pleased to announce the release of my third book, Prayers to Calm Your Anxious Heart: 100 Reassuring Devotions, written
specifically for those who wrestle with anxiety.
I can't help but think that God's timing on this book release is flat amazing. Who of us imagined the state that our nation would currently be in? Who knew that 2020 would be one of the most stressful year many of us have experienced? God knew, of course!
So if you or someone you love struggles with anxious thoughts, worry, fear, or anything that robs you of peace (especially now, with all the current events rocking our nation and raising anxiety levels), I hope you will consider this Scripture-infused prayer book.
I can't help but think that God's timing on this book release is flat amazing. Who of us imagined the state that our nation would currently be in? Who knew that 2020 would be one of the most stressful year many of us have experienced? God knew, of course!
So if you or someone you love struggles with anxious thoughts, worry, fear, or anything that robs you of peace (especially now, with all the current events rocking our nation and raising anxiety levels), I hope you will consider this Scripture-infused prayer book.
devotions are intentionally brief, as the dozen or so people I spoke with while
this book took shape told me anxiety makes it hard to focus. So they’re short
but potent. The prayers are expressive and meaningful, designed to encourage,
reassure, and lift anxious hearts. And there’s also a section to write out
thoughts and prayers, making it both personal and practical.
To order your copy, CLICK HERE.
To order your copy, CLICK HERE.
fervent prayer is that this book will find its way into the hands of many, many
people who long to be free from anxiety’s suffocating grip. Will you join me in
that prayer?
GIVE-AWAY! I am giving away 2 signed copies to 2 people. Just leave a comment AND INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL (so I can contact you if you win!). WINNERS will be randomly chosen and notified via email by Sept.7. Sorry, contest open only in the continental U.S.
GIVE-AWAY! I am giving away 2 signed copies to 2 people. Just leave a comment AND INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL (so I can contact you if you win!). WINNERS will be randomly chosen and notified via email by Sept.7. Sorry, contest open only in the continental U.S.
THANK YOU for celebrating with me!
Reading this via email? CLICK HERE to leave a comment for your chance to win!
Reading this via email? CLICK HERE to leave a comment for your chance to win!

Congratulations 👏! I want to win a copy!
Congratulations!! Being worried and anxious a lot lately has distanced me from God. I think this book would be a great comfort and help to me. I need to remember faith over fear, but it’s hard in this season. Email djzmom06@gmail.com
Julie, your "Prayers for a Woman's Soul" and the downloadable prayer journal have been part of my morning prayer since mid-January 2020. What a blessing they have been through marital separation and COVID19. I can't wait to dig in to your new book. (tgaudet1959@gmail.com)
My copy arrives today. Would love to receive another copy to share with a friend who does a Bible study with me. janeannmc@gmail.com
Congratulations on your book release!! My daughters (16 and 19) and I have struggled with anxiety for many years. It is often the number 1 distractor from trusting in the Lord. Thank you for the opportunity to win your book and the opportunity to find calm in the stressful world. melissac1966@gmail.com
Good Morning and congratulations!
I would love to win this for myself and to pass it on to my cousin! I believe, as a woman, we all try to hold it together and need some inspiration along the way. You are very inspiring to me, in your blogs and thoughtful words. Thank you for the encouragement, and for helping me to focus on HIM, first and foremost. calgalsh@aol.com
Congratulations on your new book! You are correct that so many people, especially with all that is 2020, struggle with anxiety. As a lay counselor I see this firsthand. I would love a free copy to read and share as a resource with others. My email is wildstx@yahoo.com.
What a timely and necessary book! Congratulations and thank you! Praying God will use your book to bring peace to many! My email is stoneaptz@netzero.com
It seems the perfect time to launch a book like this, and I would love to read it.
Congratulations on your new book! I would love to read your book. My anxiety has gone through the roof. I have difficulty sleeping, I have nightmares, and my temper is short! I’m not me anymore! Your words always have a calming affect and I would love to carry your book with me to refer to when these feelings appear.
Congratulations! And yes, this timing couldn't be more perfect. drrth83@gmail.com
What an exciting book. Thank you for writing about such an important subject. marykblair7@gmail.com
Congratulations! I would love to have a signed copy!
Your books always come out just when I need them & do help me keep getting through this time so I hope I can win a copy vonniektonk@yahoo.com
Congratulations! God is so good! What a timely message! Ordering for a friend also. God bless you Julie 🙏🏻 Kam4cam@gmail.com
This sounds like just what I need right now. thanks
Congratulations on your new book and thank you for this chance to win! This sounds like an amazing book especially for someone who struggles with anxiety! noyoucannothavemyemailaddress@gmail.com (yes, it’s a real email 😆)
Shirleyprokop@yahoo.com. Thank you from those of us that are anxious about everything and congratulations on your new book!
Thank you for publishing this book. I would love to have a copy. I have a list of problems I turn over to God every morning just to get out of bed. Thank you. barbaraann618@hotmail.com
Congrats! I’d love to read it! What an anxious time we are living in.
kleehar[@] gmail [dot] come
You are right, Julie. No better time for this book. Once again I'm struck by the beauty and just-right feel of the cover. God is so good!
cheryl at cherylbarker dot net
I would love to get a copy of this devotion! Thank you. dfbelisle@gmail.com
Congratulations first of all on getting yet another book published! What an accomplishment! And it’s beautiful inside and out, and how relevant for a time like this! You probably didn’t even know how useful it will be for the year when it was scheduled to come out, when you first had the idea of writing this book. :)
I have you book “Prayers for a Woman’s Soul”, and I still love it and read thru it from time to time. I’d love to own this new book too and I hope I will one day- one way or another. :)
sweetkarolinka(@) Hotmail (.) com
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