We cry
out today for the children in our country. Lord God shield their hearts, draw
them to You, protect and defend them from every evil influence. Fill their
lives with good influences and godly friends. Flood their hearts with light and
truth. Teach them Your way, Lord, so they will live by Your truth and give them
undivided minds to fear Your name (Psalm 86:11). Protect them from making bad
decisions. Give them a deep, abiding love for You and Your Word. May they love
You with all of their hearts, their souls, their minds, and their strength, and
obey and honor You all the days of their lives.
the parents in our nation wisdom and discernment, and hearts to teach their
children the truth of Your Word. May parents guard themselves from distractions
and selfishness, and by Your grace consistently train their children in the way
they should go. Help parents to nurture a love for Scripture and a love for
prayer in their children’s hearts. May every mom and every dad have a godly,
encouraging friend to stand with them and encourage them, and likewise be an
encouragement to others.
Lord have mercy on our nation. Intervene in all that is happening in our nation
that grieves You. Don’t let liars prosper here in our land (Psalm 140:11). Ruin
the plans of the deceitful at work in our nation (Proverbs 22:12). Lord be with
those who do what is right (2 Chronicles 19:11). Break the strength of the
wicked but increase the power of the godly (Psalm 75:10).
Most High, are ruler over human kingdoms (Daniel 4:17) and You, God, reign over
the nations (Psalm 47:8). Thank you Lord that the prayer of the upright is Your
delight (Proverbs 15:8). We pray all these things grateful that You love us and
that You always hear us, in the strong name of our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ
our Lord, amen.
THANK YOU for praying with me!