Resurrection time.
Something about spring in Florida makes me want to twirl in a gauzy white skirt, arms lifted to the heaven.
Even our pine trees get into the act, flaunting mini crosses on their branch tips—just before Easter. As I stroll past, these wondrous crosses wave in a gentle wind, heralding the truth, proclaiming “He is risen!”
And joy floods my soul. Psalm 19:1 is happening right before my eyes: " The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork."
It’s what we all need , whether we recognize it or not - a glorious breeze from heaven to stir our souls.
And the cross.
P.S. I simply have to thank Lysa TerKeurst, along with the other judges and the fine folks at DaySpring for their incredible, generous gift. They awarded me a full scholarship to the She Speaks conference. I did not expect to win the scholarship contest. In fact, I didn't even realize they'd chosen a winner (or in this case, 3!) when I visited her blog on Friday. I nearly dropped my laptop in the ensuing hysteria, and spent the rest of the day alternately crying and laughing.
I'd also like to publicly thank God for His goodness - for granting me courage to share a small portion of my story and allowing me to be a trophy of His grace. He alone is able to redeem an ugly and shameful past, and transform it into unimaginable beauty. He can do the same for you.

What a beautiful analogy!! I love how if we stop and take the time to look around at nature we can always find God.
We don't have an overwhelming amount of nature here, so one of my tricks when I was in counseling/recovery awhile back was to stop on the side of the road whenever I was battling a sinful thought and stare at the telephone poles. Almost all of them are shaped like crosses :-)
I am so glad you won as well- I obviously identified with your entry deeply and am happy you get to go back this year, prayerfully pain free!
Congrats on the scholarship! I am SOOO happy for you. I know God has good things planned for you. I wish I could come and give you a hug but doesn't look like it will be this year. I needed a scholarship in order to go...LOL
But I am flying into Tampa in mid October with my family for fall break.
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you friend. It was an awesome post.
Second, I have lived in Florida all of my life and have never noticed the crosses in the pine trees. Excuse me while I have a DUH moment. LOL.
Well, wake up friend! I think we all knew this before you did...congrats again. I know you will be blessed. I hope you are able to get a "taker" on your story; you certainly captured my imagination with it. Maybe you already have a publisher.
Anyway, good things await friend. I celebrate this season of your life with you.
peace to you in this resurrection week~elaine
Yay you! I'm so glad.
Congrats first found you through Lysa and now through Serious.Life magazine.
You have such a beautiful heart, I am blessed by your blog.
Congratulations! Praise God! May the Lord bless you and open many doors that no man can close!
What a wonderful display of His handiwork...created to glorify His name!!
Will the palm trees still have crosses the week after Easter? I'm coming to Tampa the Monday after. Are you close?
Congratulations Julie! The She Speaks scholarship is an awesome gift. I will be attending also and hope to meet you in person.
God Bless.
Maddie (aka Audrey) showed me your sight.
After reading this I went out to enjoy our CA pinetrees, alas no crosses. Phooey! However I can still see God's craftmanship, artistry, and power in each needle. (And the smell brings me back to the many camping trips we've spent as a family under those glorious trees.)
A new friend, Gretchen
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