She Glows

The She Speaks conference offically surpassed my expectations.

It wasn't the excellent, informative break-out sessions.

It wasn't the truly inspiring worship led by Cheri Keaggy.

It wasn't the outstanding messages by Lysa Terkeurst, Renee Swope or Jennifer Rothschild.

It wasn't the amazing, wonderful women I met in the hallways, over a meal or at the book table, and the new friendships born as a result.

Believe it or not, it wasn't even the fantastic food.

It was that God met me there in a profound and deeply intimate, smell-your-breath close sort of way...I'm positively glowing!

And I am undone.

I'm still in digest-mode, savoring the words He has lovingly whispered to my heart...and overwhelmed by God's goodness.

I'm also overwhelmed that when I finally made it home last night (after many delays, 2 missed connections and no luggagge), our 19 year old son is suffering with a serious, painful cyst. Two years ago our son underwent 5 months of excruciating treatment to deal with this cyst, and now it has made a surprise, unwanted encore appearance. Doctor appointments and possible surgery loom in our immediate future. Would you add Josh to your prayer list this week?

I hope to post more about She Speaks later this week. And I'd love to hear from you. Tell me about your She Speaks experience!

Jennifer Rothschild's in-your-face wisdom
captivated every woman in the room.

Lisa at She Speak's final general session. Notice the light ray
streaming down. That's Renee Swope sitting on the left.

The oh-so-organized Tracy Vinson, who organized the
Early Bird dinner (which I missed, thanks to being stranded in Atlanta).

The authentic, inspiring and humble Lysa TerKeurst and me, exhausted
but filled to the brim on Saturday night. Thank you, Lysa, for blessing me with a She Speaks scholarship!

My new best friend, Kelly Hancock at Faithful Provisions. Check
out her wildly popular website and save you some money, ladies!

Please pardon the low-quality pictures - all I had was my cell phone camera.


Terri Tiffany said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time! I would love to go to one of them some year:) Hope all works out for your son--will pray now.

Heather - On the Road... said...

I have just turned on my computer for the first time since I got to my parents, to a slew of emails, cause I didn't use the internet while I was there.

It was so wonderful to see the pictures you took. I haven't uploaded mine yet. Once I get some processing done, I know I will have several posts to write!

I just wanted to say what a blessing it was to meet you. I so wanted to, but never knew if I would. I just left it up to God. Isn't it just like Him to let us have dinner together, and then to see each other in the airport?!

I will be praying for your son!
Please pray for me as I try to process everything and hope to come away with some of the lessons that God wants me to remember!

God bless,

Jody Hedlund said...

I saw your tweets, Julie! All of what you prayed for, apparently God had different answers! But I'm so glad that he blessed you and enriched you through the conference!

Bonita said...

Julie, I'm so sorry we never connected. Now that I see these pictures I realized that we passed each other several times!! Maybe next time.

Hope Josh is doing better.

Antique Mommy said...

It was such a pleasure to meet you at She Speaks this past weekend. I love the way you have recapped it in this post. Now we must get busy and put all we learned to work for the kingdom, don't we!? Right after my nap this afternoon...

Deb said...

Done. Johs's name is in my prayer journal.

Congratulations on receiving a SS scholarship! You have a wonderful ministry.

I'm so glad that you heard from God in such an intimate way. I love it when He does that.

Hope you get some rest.

Sweet dreams.

Deb said...


I misspelled Josh's name.

Spring M Fricks said...

Oh I can't wait to hear all the details from the conference! I'll be praying for Josh.

Sarah said...

Praying for your son! I will be posting about the conference on my blog Thurday if you are interested. God Bless!

Kelly said...

Your son is definitely on my mind, so please keep me posted. Is this the army man?

Can't wait to hear all the details. I leave on Wednesday, and I'll be calling you next week!!!

Tea with Tiffany said...

Thank you, Jesus. Continue to make Julie glow from your presence.

KelliGirl said...

So glad you had a mountaintop experience at She Speaks. Can't wait for more details.

We're just back from our mission trip to the Dominican Republic and I too am on a similar mountaintop...and came home to very troubling news involving the health of a dear friend.

I'm praying for Josh, for healing and wisdom of the doctors.

Would love to catch up when you get settled.

Love and blessings,

B His Girl said...

WOW!!! I am so thrilled that God was so close you could smell His breath. Since you are glowing, I know He breathed on you. I am blessed to hear sHe Speaks was all that and MORE. I personally can't wait to hear what you share. This trip was ordered for you and God has amazing things lined up for you Julie...I know that. He has given you an incredible gift to share. I can't wait to purchase a book/bible study with your name on it. I have prayed for your son and thanked God for what He has planned for you. The glow looks good on you. Your post made my evening. God made up for what the locust ate last year. Love ya, B

Rebecca Ingram Powell said...

Hey girl!

I talked to Kelly today and was tickled to hear how the two of you connected! What fun! I'm so glad the conference was wonderful (as always)!

Charlotte said...

Thank you Julie for your nourishing words. My prayer confidence and faith have grown tremendously this weekend. God is humongous!

Lynn Cowell said...

It was so good to see you again, Julie. So sorry for your rough trip home!

Tonya said...

Sounds like the conference was great. Maybe I can attend next year. I'm praying for complete healing for your son.

Have a blessed day!

Lisa Smith said...

Oh Julia! I am crying as I lift your son in prayer. I hate how the enemy does that!! Praise God that He is bigger than any cyst!

Your intimacy with the Lord is touching. May He continue to woo you with His whispers.

love, lisa

Melinda said...

Oh, Julie, bask in the glow!! That is exactly how I felt after the FCWA Conference. There is nothing like it! ;0)

Can't wait for us to get together soon... we have so much to catch up on! ;0)

LauraLee Shaw said...

Oh, I will be praying for Josh. I'm sure that was quite an emotional jolt to come home to. Please keep me posted.

Renee Swope said...

HI there my sweet, precious praying friend!!! I was SO glad to see your face and get to visit a little at She Speaks. I wish our time could have lasted longer.

I hate that getting home was so hard but I love that your time with Jesus while you were here was so intimate.

I am praying for your "Josh" as I sit here on my couch next to mine tonight. In fact, I am going to ask my family to pray with me for you and yours tonight.

God used you in a powerful way before, during and I am sure after the conference. I pray angels will be commanded concerning you, to guard you in all your ways this week.

Hugs and blessings!

Eagles Wings said...

Hey Julie,
too funny I just found Kelly Hancock at Faithful provisions this week after reading Sunday's paper she was in the area Last weekend speaking. I went and checked out her website to start saving money.


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