Have you ever been overwhelmed by God's goodness? I'm talking flat-out amazed by something He has done in your life. Has the Lord answered a prayer, moved on someone's heart or intervened in a situation in your life recently?
In celebration of God's faithfulness, and to celebrate you, my wonderful blog readers, I'd like to give away this brand new, (adorable!) matching stationary and organizer kit. The winner will receive 20 cute note cards with matching envelopes and a weekly organizer kit containing a weekly planner, sticky notes, and a memo pad.
To enter the give-away, all you have to do is give a shout-out to the Lord. Tell me what He is doing in your life right now. Or share your testimony. The sky is the limit. Just share God's goodness. You'll not only encourage others, but you'll be entered to win. The winner, chosen at random, will be announced next Sunday.
I'm looking forward to reading about what God is doing in your life right now!

Oh, Julie, now I want to know "what" He is doing with you and yours.
God is giving me strength and patience in dealing with my parents; one is really sick right now.
God is doing what He does for me day in and day out. He is faithfully sustaining me, loving me, forgiving me, comforting and guiding me -- giving me reason to sing. The list could go on, but you get the idea :)
Blessings, Julie -- and thanks for the fun giveaway! :)
God is teaching me to be emotionally honest when someone I love hurts me.
Cute patterns on your giveaway.
Julie, I thank the Lord for using my writing journey as a means for me to reconnect with loved ones. I'm in awe of all He's done in my life the past five years.
Just this morning as I lay in bed thinking on doing something new to focus my devotional time, I felt the Lord say to go back to writing down what the Lord lays in my mind each day during devotionals. So then I thought, do I have an extra little cute binder around to write in just for this? So maybe your give away will be just what I need!
God has blessed us with a new house which we are enjoying every day. He has brought us to a new church in our community which we are being blessed by.
He is also sustaining me as a stay-at-home mom of three kids 5 and under (which is no easy task). Where my strength ends, there His begins.
Thank you, Lord!
Thank you, Julie for your wonderful blog posts. I've been inspired, blessed, challenged to name a few!
God has sustained us through our rough last three years. Somehow, we were able to keep up with our bills, and at Christmas, someone anonymously gave me $400 at our church.
I don't know how to explain this because when you look at it on paper, we should not have been able to keep up with all our financial duties. God is good. Trust is hard. But in the end, our God reigns.
God is opening doors as I write and speak for His glory:
1. Kyria is considering an article of mine
2. (in)courage.me accepted a post for their daily guest section
3. Stepping Stones (small newsletter) has accepted an article of mine for their newsletter.
4. Speaking on purity to 5th and 6th graders at my church on Wed.
5. Speaking on infertility to a MOPS group March 2.
I am more than humbled and amazed that He would use me. In fact, that is what my blog post today is about. Thanks so much for celebrating what God is doing!
What a great post! And a wonderful reminder that HE is working sometimes it's just more obvious than others!! For me I'd have to say He's continuing to strengthen me to follow Him. Not long ago that involved walking out of my comfort zone and into a scary adventure, but right now it's more of a letting go (scary in it's own way!) and simplifying to have more time for Him to work on me. Let's keep sending those shouts out!! Jill
I'm grateful that God doesn't leave me to myself but gently offers course correction on this journey. Today, it is to stop camping and get up and move on from a vexatious matter.
Love the polka dots, they make me smile!
My whole post today is about what he's doing in my life right this moment. He's showing me who I am---or at least who I'm not!
God is planning a heart to heart with me in the desert. I can feel His breath on the back of my neck and a silence hanging in the air anticipating the moment. It's coming. He has set me up. There is a reason He has adjusted the turtle girl's speed to idle. Everything I have believed by faith is ahead of me. Soon He will clear the clutter of my space so I can walk courageously in His. It is a stretch for me but nothing is impossible with Him. Can I hear an amen Julie....
He's revealing Himself to me as Bread of Life. Bread is one of my words for 2011 - thanks to an insightful conversation with a friend, who confirmed this word God was already speaking to my heart. Now I'm learning to make bread - me! A non-Betty Crocker type.
I'm praying that I hunger for Him daily, the bread that satisfies.
I can relate to the marital changes...after almost 20 years of marriage with the beginning of it being filled with turmoil...then us getting saved and then beginning to rebuild on our new foundation in Christ it has taken quite a bit of work to get to where we are. No one thought we would make it but by the grace of God we have and we are finally at a place that I never dreamed was possible...prayers may take a while but they are eventually answered!
Well, the Lord is most definitely doing things in my life! I wish I could say they were comfortable things!! LOL! I've really been feeling like God has been "removing the dross from the silver" (Pv. 25:4) in my life. It's painful, but good! ;)
My shout out is that God loves me enough to remind me to take a "stop and seek" break. Thanks for your inspiration!
My story is the same as Ginny's. Somehow, my husband and I are still paying our bills and still waiting on the Lord for work. Tomorrow I start a parttime job with a lady I met a year ago and when she ran the ad again, I applied and she hired me:)
God has been making it abundantly clear lately all the ways I can find joy in the little things. He is teaching me contentment, grace, and above all, thankfulness in every moment. I am amazed at the understanding I now have about things that without Him I never would have had!
I have stood on the promise that God would defend the widow.(Psalms68:5)When my husband went home to be with Jesus, I cried out to Him and reminded Him of His promise. Two months later He dropped a job in my lap making $5 more an hour than my college educated profession of choice(floral-designer). Recently, I prayed for a raise. I was given that raise and He is supplying my needs. What a wonderful God we serve! So real, personal and compassionate!
I'm new to your blog and jumping right in! Great post! I am giving a shout out to the Lord for He has led me to take some bold steps towards the future He has for me. This year I will be attending two conferences to explore the areas of writing, and getting busy with "the book" God has laid on my heart to write. Exciting, scary, and all good!
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