We can't all be good at everything, and that's a painful truth I never feel more acutely than when I'm clothes shopping for myself. Put me in a department store (or worse, a discount store where outfit pieces aren't displayed together) and watch me have a meltdown. It would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic.
Yes, I'm a shopping failure.
I think somehow I'm missing the critical shopping gene passed out in abundance to most other females. Usually I'm okay with that. Until I get together with other women who obviously love to shop (if their stellar wardrobes are any indication). Then I feel dorky. Frumpy. The exact opposite of a fashionista. (What would that be? Oh wait, I know...clueless.)
Shopping bores me. It takes entirely too much time, effort and an awareness of what's actually in style for this under-equipped, fashion-challenged woman.
Sadly, in spite of "What Not to Wear" classes and body-type training by well-meaning friends, shopping and trying on clothe makes me feel sweaty, disoriented and slightly irritated. I've even been known to stick my tongue out at myself in the privacy of my dressing room. Or cry. Oh, the trauma!
But hey, if you ever want a fantastic plate of home made spaghetti, I'm your man. Need prayer? Call me. Want directions? People say I'm the best. I also love to organize, bake and travel, though not necessarily together.
In the meantime, I'm hoping the shopping fairy shows up at my front door with scads of beautiful clothes that fit perfectly, make me look thinner than I actually am, and are deeply discounted. Until then, when you see me out and about, try not to smirk.
Because the truth is, we can't all be good at everything.
How about you? Do you love or loathe shopping? Now 'fess up: In what area are you a huge failure?

Oh, I am so with you! I love to look at beauty, but I don't know how to create it via clothing or home decor. I've just had to come to terms with it and accept myself as God made me. He wants me to focus on other areas, areas with eternal significance. And that's not such a bad thing!
Oh my gosh Julie! I am so there with you. When I go into a store I already have a loser attitude. I can never seem to create "that" look. I have a horrible time with accessories also, shoes, handbags, jewelry....forget it. I know what I want to look like, but it ain't there when I try. My daughter who is a size 4 finds bargains and can put together an awesome outfit for pennies and she looks gorgeous to boot! It is painful, very painful to look trendy instead of tacky and frumpy.sigh...
But I make a mean pasta fagiole!
Don't you have a wonderful friend that can just buy you a bunch of clothes and you can try them on at home. Maybe it's the whole going to the store thing that ain't helping..... I don't like the shopping process either. I do it because I must. :O)
I don't mind shopping for my kids, although as my 6 year old grows I already know this may be a challenging activity for mother and daughter - it's not my favorite thing. But when it comes to shopping for myself, I'm no good! At the same time I'm not any good with shopping with someone else for my clothes either! I could get stressed just thinking about it!! Anyway thanks for sharing!
Julie I also wanted to say Congrats on the book deal...that is wonderful and I know a God thing! It will be a good thing! Praying for you as you journey through the process of publication...may God give you the words and strength to do and say all that He wants!! Blessings, Jill
This is a funny post. My daughters help me with clothes and I help them with everything else :).
I'm right along with you. I really do HATE to shop for clothes and accessories. Haven't been to a mall in years and only once a year do I shop for needful things. BUT..... tell me where to go JUNKING etc. and I am there in a heart beat. I just never had much interest in self as I get much more enjoyment out of making things and doing for others.
Thanks for sharing...its nice to know we are not alone.
Sweet Blessings, Abbey
Oh, how much comfort your words are to me. The joke in our home was that mom missed "fashion 101." I actually emailed "What Not to Wear." Oh, how I would have loved to have their advice. Slowly, out I necessity (work attire)I am learning.
I smiled at your blog title...it took me many years to give myself permission to believe those words.
Thanks again for the great post!
Send that shopping fairy to me after she's stopped off at your house, Julie. I need her, too! :)
Honestly? I feel like a failure at life, period. I've been told I'm good at just about everything I do. I feel overwhelmed with life. I tend to hide out to avoid over-stimulation. I actually have a disorder called: sensory perception disorder. Sounds, smells, touch, busyness of people, etc can throw me into a meltdown. I haven't learned how to cope with it. I take things in small chunks. It never fails there's always someone who bursts my bubble. About the only thing I've been able to cope with is large crowds as long as they're under control and not very loud. I know, it all sounds crazy. But, that's me.
Well, I have to be in the mood. Usually I don't shop for myself unless it's something I need. But it's okay. Once in a while I get a fashionista on, but don't have the money. :P
Well...it depends. If it's bra shopping or pants shopping, NO! **she shudders** For anything else, I can drop a buck with the best of 'em.
I always enjoy your posts, Julie. Write on. :)
I can only handle about 2 hours of shopping at a time and then I just need to go home.
I know what looks good on me though so I can weed through things pretty quickly. If I have too many choices, I get anxious. Yesterday I stopped at a large thrift store in my area and finally found a pair of khaki pants that I've been "thrift shopping" for over the past several months. Actually I got 2 pairs of casual pants for $5 total! Yay me! That is something I'm good at...saving money.
Hi Julie, I came over from Karen Evans blog. I love your blog and I'll be back! P.S. I enjoy browsing at home decor and things like that. Shopping for clothes? Always stressful!
I can go either way depending on my mood. Some days I absolutely cannot stand to shop. Other days if I have no other pressures at home and I'm out with my girls or sister, I can have a pretty good time.
Life saver? Shari Braendel's book "Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad". That is one book EVERY girl should own. It can help even someone like me figure out how to buy a swimsuit or even a bra!!!
Funny poster...Glad to visit your blog..
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