A battle against fear erupted at my house six weeks ago, and my 16 year old daughter was hit hard. Actually, she was the target. It shook her, disrupted her sleep, and wouldn't let go.
My husband and I prayed with and for our precious girl, encouraged her, and stood with her. But six weeks is a long time for a teenager to suffer under oppressive fear, and I watched in dismay as my girl wrestled with disappointment--it appeared that none of our prayers were being answered.
Frankly, I couldn't understand what was happening, and though I never stopped praying, quoting scripture, and believing for a breakthrough, my mama's heart ached for my baby girl.
And then, a divine shift happened. It's like the Lord grabbed my hand and walked me around to the other side of the situation, and instead of wondering why my daughter was battling fear, I began to see God at work behind the scenes. As this fresh, holy perspective emerged, my faith stirred, in spite of the fact that we're not out of the woods yet.
I've begun to understand that my daughter has a powerful calling and she requires powerful training. So God has allowed this difficult season, just as He allowed one in Joseph's life starting in the book of Genesis, chapter 37. I clearly heard God say, "What the enemy has meant for your daughter's harm, I intend for your daughter's good." (See Genesis 20:50)
The good news is, we've turned a corner. And I can't wait to see what God accomplishes in my daughter and our family through all of this.
The other good news is this: if we cry out to God, He has the ability to grant us divine perspective, which is like adding pure oxygen to the fire of our faith. Whatever dark, difficult, scary, or unpleasant situation you might be walking through, know this: God is at work!
And though what we're enduring may be hard, perplexing, or downright painful, we can take great comfort in understanding that all things work for the our good (See Romans 8:28). As we perceive God at work in our situations, we can go forward in a holy excitement, confident and encouraged, in spite of how things may appear.
The awesome truth is, He is a holy God, accomplishing His holy purposes in and through us. As He grants us His holy perspective, we can trust that what the enemy intends for our harm, God intends for our good.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts from your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
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Sweet bloggy friends, thank you so much for your kind words and prayers about my book. I'm thrilled to tell you that my manuscript is complete (Yay!) and after some formatting adjustments, I'll be turning it in to my publisher this weekend. You are so appreciated!

Oh Julie, once again you hit it right on! We have been going through a dark and scary thing with our son. It hurts me as a mother to see him suffer such horrible inner struggles and disappointments. His is not of fear, but of worry, doubt, oppressive anxiety. I have cried for a week, while I prayed for a resolution. It does not matter how old your child is, a parent suffers when his child suffers.
I have finally given it to God once and for all, and will wait in anticipation for His Holy Perspective in regard my son.
(side note) I am reading the book "A Confident Heart" and I truly love it. Thanks for sending it to me!
Great post! We have so many things to learn if God calls us to great things. Empathy, faith, and discipline are only some of the things we all need to learn. Glad He showed you His perspective. hugs to your daughter. :O)
This is awesomeness.... Praise God!
Oh, what prefect timing, that you would share. My daughter revealed to me some of the things that she has been struggling with and I was beside myself.
Your post reminded me to trust God and know that He sees what I can not...thank you!
Six weeks is a lifetime to a sixteen-year-old. Wow. So glad the corner has been turned. So sorry that this spiritual warfare is necessary in this fallen world. I'm quite ready for the new Heaven and the new Earth. New something. Glad you are coming through this as a family. And yay on the book!
Love that verse about what the enemy intends for our harm, God will use for our good. What a wonderful, mighty God we have! Sure is hard to see our kids go through rough times, though, isn't it? Am thankful you all have turned a corner and that God is giving you His perspective on it all.
What great news about the book! Yay!! :)
Julie, that is the hardest thing of all, is seeing our children with hardship. No matter how old, huh? I'm so thankful things are better and that she'll grow strong like her mom.
Whoo Hoo, on the book. Can't wait to read it!
Oh that's SO difficult - when you see your child struggling. You are so right that God's ways are higher.
Congrats on finishing your manuscript!!! YEA GOD!
So very difficult when you see your child struggle. UGH! But you are so correct that His ways are higher. *** Congrats on finishing your manuscript!!! So happy for you.
Great post!! Reminds me of what Lysa said yesterday as she spoke of the best worst thing!! Grateful God took you to the other side...isn't it wonderful when He gives us a peek into what He is doing!!! I was thinking about this the other day...how do I really know what I'm asking when I pray God will use our kids in big ways!! That is good, but it will bring attacks!! Lord please help me prepare them for the battle!!! Thanks for sharing Julie!! Jill
Amen for the work God is doing! I'll be praying for your daughter.
I need for God to take me by the hand and walk me to the other side of the situation. Fresh perspective is in short supply over here. It's just one of those weeks. Thank you.
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