Sometimes Miracles Unfold Slowly

When I think of miracles, I tend to imagine then in a Bam! Poof! sort of way. And there are multiple biblical examples of just that.

But sometimes a miracle is achingly slow.

And sometimes we have to cling to what feels like a wispy vapor of hope while God works and we cooperate to bring the miracle to pass. And by cooperating I mean we wait without giving up. We trust. We believe in spite of how things look. And we do our part even when it costs us.

My marriage is a good example. For a dozen pain-filled years I fervently hoped that God would radically touch my husband's heart. At that time, my husband was not a believer, and I endured a cold, tense, anger-filled home. I sensed God asking me to stay when everything in me wanted to run hard and long. I sensed Him whispering that He was at work. And I sensed Him asking me to persevere when things were ugly.

And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint. (Galatians 6:9)

I think that in today's world, our ability to wait has been stunted (in part) by our culture and technology. Most people (myself included) have underdeveloped patience. And while cell phones, the internet, and microwave aren't entirely to blame, they probably play a part. We've become accustomed to instant.

But God doesn't always work that way.

God is more interested in the development of our faith and character than in performing genie-like spectacular events that result in a life of Utopian ease.

A dozen years of praying finally resulted in the beginning of a miracle. My husband gave his life to Christ, and while I rejoiced, the waiting and cooperating part had really just begun. Now the two had to learn to become one. Forgiveness had to be worked through. Old habits needed radical, godly transformation. And the process was gritty, hard, and often painfully unpleasant.

But we held on. We kept on. And we moved on--with the Lord. And six months ago we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. A true miracle.

Maybe you're at the place where you need a miracle in your life. And I will link arms with you and believe God right along with you for just that. But I'd like to ask you to consider the possibility that perhaps your miracle has already begun.

Yes, sometimes miracles unfold slowly. But they're always, always worth waiting for.

For the vision is yet for an appointed time, and it hastens to the end fulfillment; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait earnestly for it; because it will surely come, it will not be behindhand on its appointed day. (Habakkuk 2:3)

The WINNER of a signed copy of Glynnis Whitwer's book, "I Used to Be So Organized" is Susan Stillwell. Congratulations, Susan! Send me your snail-mail address so you can receive your new book.


Jennifer Farris said...

Thank you for sharing this, Julie. To be honest, I am believing God for a miracle right now, and this was a great encouragement.

Susan said...

What a great reminder that God is NEVER late and, if nothing else, is always working patience in us :)

And THANK YOU for the book -- I'll do my best to find my previously-organized self!!

Mining for Diamonds said...

Thank you for this timely post! Praising God for His miracle in your life! And you are right, sometimes miracles do unfold slowly. I LOVE Galatians 6:9!

Cheryl Barker said...

Julie, I've been waiting for another kind of miracle to unfold. What an encouragement your story is -- and can be in the future for so many.

When you get a chance, check my current blog post. I linked to you, mentioning your New Year's Day post and how God used it to start something neat for me this year. Thank you, by the way! :)

Have a great week!

Kim said...

Julie, Oh, goodness does your post offer so much encouragement and hope. You see, I almost gave up on the miracle...but now am living it. I shared with someone yesterday that I wanted to write an article titled, "How to make every mistake in marriage and still stay married." We also celebrated our 25 years last summer. Congrats to you and your husband!

Terri Tiffany said...

I loved this post because you are so right and I'm so happy you hung in there. So often we don't. I have been waiting for a miracle for four years. Yesterday at church, surrounded by new loving friends, I saw what God had been doing all along and I know the wait is worth it all!

Kelly said...

Rejoicing with you! I really think we are kindred spirits, Julie. God has worked slow miracles in my life as well, and I am learning to WAIT on him, both figuratively and literally.

Leslie Basil Payne said...

Like you, I've had to wait but in a different way. I was 14 when I began to pray for the man I would marry. We met and married 28 years later. It was a long wait, but worth every minute. Now seeing God's hand in it all, I wouldn't change a thing.

Caroline said...

What a beautiful testimony, Julie. God is faithful, even when we can't understand His timing.

Karen said...

Hi Julie, that's a tough road, but I've learned that growth only comes through "the strain." Somtimes I want to tell the Lord, let me live as a limp noodle-but then where is the victory? Thanks for sharing.

Have a great weekend.

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