More Jesus in My Day is a new feature you'll find here at my blog every Thursday. Designed to lead you straight to the Savior, each short post offers simple, practical ways to know Him more.
We all have emotional days. Whether it’s an intensely stressful situation, a hormone fluctuation, or just one of those days, we don’t have to feel guilty about our God-given emotions. But we don’t have to allow them full reign, either. There is a Way to bring peace and balance to the emotional storms in our lives.
What if, instead of being overwhelmed by our emotions, we took a moment to invite the Prince of Peace into our emotional meltdown? What if, instead of thinking we need to get it together before we cry out to Jesus, we open the front door of our hearts, puffy eyes and all?
The next time you’re having one of those days, go ahead and invite Jesus into the mess. Say it out loud: Jesus, come into my mess. Your crazy emotions don’t scare Him. And bonus: His very presence will comfort and delight your soul.
In the multitude of my anxious thoughts within me, Your comforts cheer and delight my soul. (Psalm 94:19)

I love your phrase "the front door of your heart." Beautiful.
Hi Miss Julie,
I'm saying, "come Jesus, come"! Thank you for such encouraging words! -Blessings sister, Amy
Julie, this is great! Very practical. I appreciate your honesty about life. It really is a mess sometimes, so why do I sometimes pretend it isn't: convicting sister! Love to you, Hester :)
Beautiful! Lovely blog; I'm now following!
Anne ♥♥ (yes, Jesus, please come into my mess!)
AMEN, Julie! Sometimes I confess, Lord, I'm a hot mess right now, but remember I'm YOUR hot mess so please clean me up!!"
Great thought to start my weekend!
Julie, I love this!!! It's so amazing that all we have to do with those crazy emotions is ask him to clean up the mess! He is so good to us! :) Thank you for sharing! <3
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