Holy Instructions

More Jesus in My Day is a feature you'll find here at my blog every Thursday. Designed to lead you straight to the Savior, each short post offers simple, practical ways to know Him more.

Decisions. Choices. Opportunities. Plans. Every day we face these. Depending on our personality, we can feel overwhelmed, anxious, excited, or determined.

But what we really need to feel is expectant—as in Jesus, guide me and help me today. I need Your instructions before my day shifts into high gear.

We all walk what occasionally seems like a quagmire of situations, people, and tasks screaming out for our attention.  But when we expect Jesus to guide us, humbly asking Him to order our steps and help us, we can be certain that we’re focusing on the appropriate thing and heading in the right direction. With Him.

I, the Lord, will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. (Psalm 32:8)


Susan said...

Opportunities - that's been ringing in my ears for the past week and a half. Convicted by the parable of the rich man and the beggar at the gate (Luke 16), I need to be aware of His leading so I don't callously pass over the people who need a touch of HIM.

Thanks, Julie. Hugs from VA!

myletterstoemily said...

now may i have ears to hear!

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