Holy Duct Tape

It was only a few flippant words.

But somehow those words not only hurt, they jerked me from pleasant to full-throttle irritated in about 20 seconds. You’d better believe I was about an eye-blink away from a full-throttle comeback.

And that’s when God’s word restrained me. Like a strip of holy duct tape slapped across my mouth, the truth of God’s word prevented me from saying something that would have opened a floodgate of harsh retorts.

Take control of what I say, O Lord, and keep my lips sealed. (Psalm 141:3)

So instead of reacting with anger and saying exactly what I felt, I grew quiet. I gazed out the window. And I silently prayed. God, you know how hard this is right now. I am choosing to be quiet, even though I really want to screech some choice words. But for Your glory, I am choosing not to engage in what could become a very ugly moment.

That’s the power of Holy Spirit intervention.

We can choose to engage in a snarky come-back (and believe me, I’ve chosen poorly on many occasions) or we can allow the word of God to dwell in us richly (see Colossians 3:16) and produce fruit like self-control in the middle of what could have been a very ugly moment.

That’s the beauty of God’s word.

And that, sweet friends, is the benefit of holy duct tape. 

I said, I will heed and guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue; I will muzzle my mouth as with a bridle while the wicked are before me. (Psalm 39:1)

Lord, I confess that I sometimes say things I shouldn’t—things I regret. Will you please help me to grow and mature in this area? Set a guard over my mouth. Keep watch over the door of my lips. Keep me aware that You hear every word I speak. May the words I speak honor You and bless those around me. In Jesus’s name, Amen.


Beth H said...

Julie, I loved this. What a transparent, real word for girls like me.

Cheryl Barker said...

Love the idea and image of holy duct tape, Julie. Too many times a few words slip out before I have the presence of mind to muzzle my mouth. Am so thankful, though, for the way the Lord helps me keep my words in check.

Susan said...

Love this, Julie! I can't tell you the number of times I've prayed, Set a guard over my mouth, Lord...

Trisha said...

If we could just learn to apply this every day....

Julie Gillies said...

And that's the truth, Trisha! As we stay close to God, His Holy Spirit helps us restrain ourselves...most of the time. lol

Karen Hossink said...

I cannot count how many times God has put that tape over my mouth. And, oh!, have I been thankful!!!

Ginny said...

OOOH yes! I love the phrase holy duct tape! Funny thing...At Pentecost we chose a red tongue of fire with a gift of the Holy Spirit written on the opposite side. Well, this year I chose one that had "kindness" I was infuriated with the Holy Spirit for insinuating that I was not kind! However, in my prayer time, I realized that the kindness went a bit farther.....kind words...hmmmm...What a confirmation Julie...I need to watch my mouth!

Julie Gillies said...

Irritable Mother--Glad to know I'm in good company as I strive to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.

Julie Gillies said...

Ginny, I'm so grateful that God confirmed the "kindness" thing for you. I think it's an area most of us can improve in. When I pray about kindness, I ask the Lord to place the law of kindness on my tongue. (Proverbs 31:26)

David Rupert said...

I enjoy this idea. Instead of watching my words, i just need to shut up sometimes. :)

AmyAlves said...

I love this "holy duct tape" picture! :) Thank you for sharing a wonderful visual for times of resting in prayer. ~ Blessings sweet woman of God, Amy

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