Is there
anything as promising as a pristine new year?
New dreams.
Fresh hope.
A fresh start.
I’m grateful
for new beginnings. And exceedingly grateful that He will be with us through
the entire year. Nothing will surprise Him, and we will face nothing alone. And
I’m really grateful God has already prepared the way for us this year.
See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you. (Exodus 23:20)
especially thankful for that scripture verse because this week our oldest son,
who serves in the US Army, leaves for his 4th tour of duty, this
time to Afghanistan. He leaves behind his beautiful wife and 4 children. And tomorrow our other son, married just 6 months, leaves for Boot Camp
(US Army as well!) and begins his military adventure.
So on this
fresh New Year’s Day, this mama’s heart is holding tightly to the above verse, and praying. A lot.

You can pre-order it HERE or wherever books are sold. If you haven't already, you can receive 5 chapters FREE by signing up for 5 Days of Extravagant Prayer at the top of my sidebar.
In the
meantime, let me know what you will be praying for this year.
Happy New Year, sweet
Julie, can't imagine how your mama's heart must feel. May God continue to keep your sons safe. And all the best with the release of your book!
Hi Julie, I also can't imagine how your mama's heart must feel. Praying with you for God's protection for your boys. So excited for your new book. Congratulations!
Hi Julie! I'm so excited for you as you gear up for the next step in your writing journey! Mark one book down for this chica! ;)
Congratulations on your book Julie and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank you God! ~ Blessings, Amy
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