Eyes rolling.
Mouth agape. Arms crossed in a huff.
describes not only the Newlywed Game Show, but many moments of my marriage.
If you never
watched the program back when it was on long ago, it was a sometimes funny,
sometimes cringe-inducing lesson on what couples knew—or didn’t know—about one
another. The participants, all married less than a year, answered questions and
then either rolled with their mistakes and
wrong answers or grew huffier as the show progressed. (“You know I don’t like mushrooms!”)
And I totally
got that.
If my husband
and I had been on that show the first year of our marriage, placards would have
flown. Tears would have flown. And I’ve no doubt I would have flown right out
of that TV studio in a snit.
Which is why
I was stunned when, in the ultimate irony, my husband and I recently WON our
small group’s Newlywed Game. (Out of about 15 couples, that’s not bad!)
For that I
give all honor to Jesus, who walked with me through my darkest marriage moments.
He enabled me to remain in my marriage when it hurt to do so, He flooded my
heart with the hope that He was at work in spite of how things looked to my
weary heart, and He gave me wisdom and grace to walk in obedience instead of
walk out.
If your marriage
is leaning more toward the huffy side of things, I understand. And I want to
encourage you to hang in there and continue praying and trusting God. Because He
makes all things beautiful in His time. (See Ecclesiastes 3:11)
In the
meantime, I’d like to give away a copy of my new book, Prayers For a Woman’s Soul, because praying for myself not only
transformed me, it transformed my marriage. And if women in dark marriage
moments need anything, it’s the hope, refreshing, and transformation that comes
when we take time to pray—for ourselves.
I’d love to pray with you right now:
Send strength, encouragement, and hope to the hearts that most need You, Lord. Give my precious sisters eyes to see Your hand at work in their marriage in spite of how things might appear. Pour out Your grace, wisdom, and unfailing love. Bring the change and transformation that is longed for. Intervene as only You can, and flood my sisters’ hearts with Your joy. Strengthen every marriage, let love reign, and help us all to honor You even when it’s hard. In the precious and powerful name of Jesus, Amen.
Give Away Rules: Whether your marriage could use some refreshing, divine intervention, or complete transformation, please leave me a comment and I’ll be praying for you this
week. I will choose a winner from the comments randomly. Please check back next
Tuesday, April 2, to see if you’ve won. Prize must be claimed by Tuesday, April
The WINNER of last week’s give-away of a signed
copy of Prayers For a Woman’s Soul
is: Lady G. Congratulations! Please send me an email with your mailing address
by April 2.

Our marriage could use a refreshing, please pray for us. There's too much to type but also pray that my husband will step up and I will step back to let him take the lead as the spiritual leader of the home. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry!
Our marriage has been a challenge since we were married 2 years ago. We have a blended family with 6 kids (all teenagers). It has been a challenge but we are determined to put God in the center of our marriage and set an example for our kids to follow.
Hey, Julie.
I always love your comments.
I'm praying for my husb. to accompany me to ch. He used to, but hasn't for yrs. He believes. But doesn't like to go. I'm praying for a change in that.
When hopes have been raised and broken over and over again, it's hard to want to put hope into a relationship anymore. Last night the strains from an old song came to me,"Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone". It look that realization for my husband to wake up and realize all he'd lost. I know God can do all things, but I don't even know if I want to resurrect this. For a woman who is always so filled with hope, I am feeling ambivalent about my future. I have for a long time.
As most people my husband grew up in a very disfunctional family, not that I didn't but my husband's was more so. Sometimes it is very hard to figure out where he is coming from. There are days when he says or does something that really doesn't make sense. My husband's parents escaped Ukraine during WW2 with the Nazis. A very frightening experience. But with it came anxiety and fears that are not part of a normal family life. While I try to understand, it is not always something that can be easy to understand. Anxiety and stress is what they lived with and passed on to their kids. Now I have to figure out how to live with it and help my kids out. Love your post, I think, even after 13 years of marriage, we would not win the newly wed game. Thanks for the post and I am very interested in your book!
We have been married 18 years and have hit a really rough spot with one of our children. We are struggling in being united in how we deal with it and often it feels Satan wants to use this child to divide.
I have been blessed to have stayed married for 31 years. Being married has helped me to put God first, because I realized early on that my husband could not fulfill me. We are both believers, but there are strongholds in my husbands life that he just is not willing to turn over to our Lord. My heart hurts for him because I know that he could have so much more joy and peace on this earth if he could call on God to set him free from the strongholds. He is a wonderful husband and has so much going for him. Thanks for you prayers.
My husband of 19 years is struggling with so many issues. He has moved out, but is still coming to see myself and our son every day. He did have an emotional affair, and is torn with guilt. I have completely forgiven him from the beginning and am willing to do whatever I need to do to keep our family together. He is not where he needs to be spiritually. Please pray he will get the help he needs and let our Heavenly Father heal him.
I have a dear friend going through a tough time in her marriage, praying for her. I am thankful for my marriage and for the Lord.
We've been married 55 yrs. and now we are having health issues; so we need prayer. Pain and tough days.
Also, daughter, single Mom, grandson needs prayers!
Thanks and thanks for the giveaway.....want your book sooo bad!
Jackie S.
38 years and we need a whole transformation:)
I am a widow, and there are so many things I believe I would have changed if I had it to do again. I pray for myself to find someone to share my (this sounds so funny for me to say about myself.) "Golden Years" with. I also am praying for my Sister in Law who must deal with my Brother on a daily basis. My cousin and her husband who are raising a grandchild during their "Golden Years" with all the difficulties and pleasures that come from that, and last but definitely not least for my Daughter and her husband who have been going through medical difficulties and raising 3 boys and all that entails and trying to keep it together. Wow, probably so much more than you wanted to know. But, I would love to read your book and then pass it on. Thank You for everything you do. Love, Kim
My husband and I need a complete transformation. We seem to be married but live like single people. We have lost that loving feeling, we have been married for 15 years, please pray for us. God bless you for the good work you are doing.
Beautiful prayer, Julie. If you've been married any length of time, you've had plenty of huffy moments. I love your encouragement to trust God with the huffs and let Him start the transformation. Not easy, but worthwhile.
we have been married almost 40 years (jn Nov.) We have had so many ups and downs(LOTS of downs) that have occurred over this time!! I believe that the only reason that we have made it through all of those "downs" was because of Jesus and His love for us and the sanctity of marriage.
Can't get my post to publish any way---xcept annony. But I wanted to win the book. I'm praying to remarry & want to learn more of being a Godly woman & a Godly wife during this waiting Latrelle
I would love to win this book. I'm so tired I don't have the energy to try. I feel trapped. I don't want to be a martyr. I'm searching for peace and pray my husband will come to know God.
Could definitely benefit from this book. Though if won would have to decide whether to keep it for myself or give it to my cousin.
My husband & I have been married for nearly 28 years. We've had some great highs & some pretty bad lows in that time but by God's grace we have grown through those circumstances He has sent &/or allowed us to experience. We are presently facing what appears to be a potentially serious health crisis. I am determined to care for my precious man no matter what and am hanging on to the knowledge that I can trust our unknown future to our known & faithful God. However, I know I can't do this in my own strength, praying for Him to work in me......... Lyn.
I haven't been married very long....about 6 months. We have an awesome marriage that I know God has truly blessed. but, it is a lot harder and different than what I thought it would be like. There have been multiple moments and situations where I have had no clue what to do or how to react. I don't like to talk to others about personal marriage conflicts so I try to go to God asap. But, prayer has always been difficult and even awkward feeling for me which is what got me to your website. thanks for the encouraging words.
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