Hammock naps. Evening barbecues. Breathtaking novels. Nighttime swimming. All things I love to enjoy during the summer, but none of which will happening any time
soon in my life.
Summer is
usually pretty busy for me, and this year is even crazier. I’m heading out of
town tomorrow to visit family- I haven’t even seen my 4 grandbabies yet this
year- and can’t wait to take some awesome Tennessee hikes with them. After
that, I’m excited to go to ICRS in St. Louis. If you’ll be there, be sure to
stop by the Harvest House Publishers booth on Wednesday morning, July 26th, (I’ll be signing books)
and say hello!
As soon as we
arrive home our house is going on the market (we've been in full-throttle prep mode for weeks), as our youngest is college-bound in August, so we’re majorly downsizing (can you say closet-cleaning
extravaganza AND empty nest?). We then have our daughter’s university
orientation, and a couple weeks to get her ready for her 3rd mission
trip do the Dominican Republic in mid-July.
Right after
that I will be leaving for the She Speaks Conference in the Charlotte, North
Carolina area, where I am thrilled to be volunteering after attending for 5 years.
It’s hands-down the best conference in the industry. If feel called to write or
speak, and you’ve never been, you seriously need to go!
All that to
say summer is zooming by, but I'm going to grab as much joy as I can. Oh, and I’m taking a brief blogging break, but I’m hoping to be back on Tuesday,
July 2.
To celebrate summertime I’m giving away 2 signed copies of my book, Prayers for a Woman’s Soul, along with 2 $10 Starbucks gift cards
to 2 random commenters who answer this question: What are YOU doing this
summer? Are you enjoying lazy days or are you in high gear like me?
Sorry, give-away open to U.S. residents only. Prizes must be claimed by July 9th.
summertime, sweet bloggy friends!

what a busy and fun summer, Julie. Hope you get to read a least one good book along the way.
I've probably got a little of both going on this summer, busy and lazy. I try to balance it out. So far no trips planned, but I'm working on my library schedule for the fall, and my best girlfriends are coming for a visit in July. My son is playing golf and my daughter is taking dance and theater.
Sometimes we run, sometimes we rest!
I am waiting for my best friend to get her pool open, she has been very busy with her daughter's wedding. We are both ready for some real down time together. We have our best therapy sessions in her pool and love spending time together. Good luck with your busy summer..I would love to read your book at the pool!!
I'm super busy this summer, too, but hoping to enjoy a family reunion in mid-July. Don and I will actually be venturing east of the Mississippi for the very first time as we travel to TN for the reunion. Looking forward to seeing points east! :)
Blessings, Julie, in all your travels -- and thanks for the giveaway! p.s. I launched my new website last week, and on one of the pages I started a blog especially for mothers of the bride. Sometime when you get a chance, come take a peek! :)
I have summers off with my kiddos so we hope to hit the local pool quite a bit!!!! We have no schedule and I like it!! :)
My summer is not as busy as yours but much busier than I would like. Between baseball, travel and a duplex we're fixing up to rent I'm not getting that "lazy" summer feeling yet and I really want it!! I would love to read your book during my beach vacation. Blessings to you!
My summer has started off pretty crazy as I have moved from WA state to MI to be near grandchildren. Downsized some but did not get rid of enough stuff and so am having to do some creative organizing and also paring down even more.
So this summer we will be going to the beach with our 3 young adult children. We usually camp but this time we are renting a house not far from the beach. This will be a special vacation for our family - one that we were not sure we would be taking. My husband had to have a quad bypass in August and then a week later he had a stroke. He is truly a miracle healed by our wonderful Lord and Savior! We will enjoy this vacation and being together more than any we ever had! Jane
I am in full throttle mode. With my daughter having a double masectomy and baseball games and preparation for Vacation Bible School. Hopefully August will give me a chance to be in a more relaxed mode. Enjoy your busy time!!
I work all summer long - used to be a school secretary and have summer's off, but am now employed at our board of education office. But still enjoy my evenings sitting on the porch in my overstuffed bamboo chair reading my OBS books, cooking on the grill, throwing horseshoes with my son. Waking up to the fresh air coming in my window is my all-time summer favorite. Enjoy your time with your grandbabies!
I am doing a little of both this summer....lazy days (although what woman has lazy days :), and some busy times. Enjoying time with family at my nephew's high school graduation and going on a family vacation. Enjoying doing some floating in the pool and reading a good book. God Bless!
For a short period of time, all of my children are visiting family back in our home state. I have quiet days! I'll be pulling out all of our homeschool curriculum and taking inventory! Exciting, huh?!
Oh, Julie, what an exciting and busy summer you have.....praying all goes well.
I am older and have some health issues so I don't stay that busy....love to read and am so anxious for a copy of your book!
We have finished downsizing and find that we still have too much stuff for the new house. We have had health problems and right now I am recuperating from a broken vertebrae and nursing some arthritis in my back. The summer will be spent getting stronger mainly with water exercise.
God bless you as you go through all that you have in front of you.
We plan on helping with the grandchildren this summer and have many projects planned around the house. Lots of things to catch up on due to chemo treatments last fall anend winter. Trying to simplify things around here so I can have more time for God to work through me!
We are having a tough year financially with our business so we do not have any big vacation plans. I am just working and enjoying my grandchildren day to day with just having them over and playing with them. So many things going on in my life but God is showing me what is important....
So far this summer I have not done anything out of the ordinary....but, I am totally enjoying the warmer weather, the green grass, flowering trees and plants and just loving not wearing a coat and mittens.
I am being very lazy!! I usually work at a part time temporary job during the summer but am spending time with my husband and daughter just having fun!!
For this summer I will join in two summer bible classes in online settings. My goal is to get a better understanding of God and learn more of the bible which is what I need.
Wishing you all the best with your busy summer! I plan on spending as much time with my little guy while he is out of school! He is growing up soo fast! He loves to go swimming and keeps me very busy! I will be venturing into very unfamiliar territory this summer - I will be co chair for our ladies group at our church!! Please pray for me! Thanks! Lara
I will have a busy summer of grandkids and bible study...just perfect!!
We are not doing much this summer my husband is having surgery in 2 weeks so he will be recuperating from that. Playing with the 4 dogs. Working a few more hours because people need to take vacations, so I told them that I would work more. Also taking an online bible study thanks karen
My oldest son got engaged a couple of weeks ago to a wonderful young woman, so I'm in the early stages of helping to plan a wedding! I'm so excited to finally be getting a daughter. Between wedding planning and keeping up with my other two adult sons, four dogs and a 12-year-old bunny rabbit [who was only supposed to live to be 8], I'm a busy woman. Feeling so very blessed!
Dana Fortinberry
I'm in full swing!!! Purging my house of excess as we prepare to move in the next year (?), heading to SC to see our only child, getting three blogs up and running, doing a Beth Moore study, running the office for hubby in his massage therapy business and squeezing in a couple good reads!!! Yes---truly enjoying the lazy days of summer!!!
I have a passion for animals! God has blessed me with a wonderful surrounding of animals at Sunset Beach, NC. I volunteer on the Sunset Beach Sea Turtle Patrol and spend many hours at the local animal shelter! I love being with my husband, Jeff! Just sitting on our patio taking in nature is a favorite past time together.
Living in Alaska our summers are short so we have played hard and worked hard outdoors doing what we can't in winter. This summer we are doing this and adding in our first foster care placement we have continued to be on the run with appointments, visits, and my own 3 kids have all their activities. Top it all off with the part-time job the full time mom and I am going back to school in fall too hopefully get a degree. I am busier then a one armed coat hanger as we would say in the south. I am busy but enjoying the chaos. We are truly blessed to be able to have sunshine and the opportunity to touch te lives of these children who are so hurt by what they have experienced in their lives. If I can show then Jesus
Hi Julie ! Summer just got busier for us, as we have a full-blown, whole house flea infestation ! It's the first year we've owned a cat, and it stays indoors. I'm not sure how it (and our home) got fleas, but we are working as quickly as we can to get rid of them !
in a few weeks, my husband and I plan to be leave our youngest teen with a good friend, and will go cross-country to GA for a Walk Through the Bible training conference, Lord willing. This will be a test of faith, as we leave the older teens at home. They all have jobs, and have been responsible in each area of their lives...but as Mom, I tend to worry AND pray ! I almost told my husband "no", but the Lord worked out a place our youngest daughter felt comfortable staying...and it is time to trust.
After this big trip, I don't anticipate any more big stuff, but only the Lord knows, since I have elderly parents who are feeble.
I've been so easily scatterbrained for about 3 years now, as I have been battling on several fronts. This is just the Lord's work to build my faith in Him, a strong prayerful life, and courage.
Tonight, with the fleas as an additional problem, my courage is low. You'd think something as tiny as fleas wouldn't wreak such havok !!! A straw on the top of the pile the camel was carrying...but surely the Lord will be faithful. He always has been !
We just moved so I'm busy with cleaning and organizing! Oh, and lots of gardening :)
Have fun Julie! We just did church camp last week, VBS this week, camping in three weeks and a few friends will visit. That about wraps it up. ;)
Bless you and I so wish I could come back to She Speaks! Maybe next year. ;) Love to you, hester
Well, I would love to be having a lazy summer, but alas, it is clipping right along in hectic mode with 2 teen camps, a denomination convention, children's camp, VBS, family get-togethers, etc. God has been so good to us, though!
my summer will not have a lot of lazydays - kids involved in soccer and other activities. But my most stressful busy is clearing out my mother's house to prepare for sale and adjusting to her being in a nursing home. So lots of emotional stress this summer. Would love to find a "can't put it down" book for a break in the midst of the busy-ness.
It's already August, and I've been home since 6/22 from 5 days in the hospital and 82 days in a skilled nursing care facility where I got good care after a fall in which I fractured a vertebrae in my lumbar spine. I had severe pain and was on high powered pain medication but am so much better as time has passed, thanks to the mercy of God and the prayers of many friends .that I've been able to reduce my use of pain medication to 4 doses in 24 hours now and although my spinal surgeon has said I will need further surgery within a year, I am believing for complete healing. Not much of a "fun" summer, but my husband has been so loving and attentive that we've gotten closer and closer, in spite of my pain, and that has made even the pain bearable!
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