It was a fluke that I even saw the text. Sitting in a meeting, my purse vibrated against my foot, and because I didn’t want to be interrupted, I almost didn’t retrieve my phone. But I did.
My heart slammed into my chest as I ready my husband’s text. Emily’s been in a car accident.
Jumping up, I whispered to a friend sitting next to me Pray! My daughter has been in an accident! and raced toward the building’s exit. And that’s when my inner freak-out started. I gulped deep breaths as I buckled my seat belt, prayed like crazy, and headed toward the accident scene.
Inner freak-outs feel like earthquakes inside us. They shake us up, knock over our peace, and leave us feeling scared and small. Sometimes they happen when something big occurs—like our child getting into a car accident. And sometimes inner freak-outs happen for less than gigantic reasons: a mean word, an eye-rolling rude attitude, or a misunderstanding.
But during a rumbling freak-out we can invite God's word in--into our hearts--to calm the earthquake that’s rattling inside us. The next time your inner freak-out begins, remember that God’s word is greater. It’s our anchor, it’s our peace, and it leaves us unshakable.
Let us therefore, receiving a kingdom that is firm and stable and cannot be shaken, offer to God pleasing service and acceptable worship, with modesty and pious care and godly fear and awe…(Hebrews 12:28)
Below are 7 Scripture verses to calm our inner freak-outs:
1. I’m upset and anxious - Peace I leave with you; My own peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid—stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled. (John 14:27)
2. This situation seems impossible - I know that You can do all things and that no thought or purpose of Yours can be restrained or thwarted. (Job 42:2)
3. I’m flat-out terrified - Fear not; there is nothing to fear for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and harden you to difficulties; yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My victorious right hand of rightness and justice.” (Isaiah 41:10)
4. I feel so embarrassed – But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the lifter of my head. (Psalm 3:3)
5. I’m an emotional wreck – My inner self as well as my body is also exceedingly disturbed and troubled. But You, O Lord, how long until you return and speak peace to me? Return to my relief, O Lord, deliver my life; save me for the sake of Your steadfast love and mercies. (Psalm 6:3-4)
6. I feel weak and uncertain – The Lord will give unyielding and impenetrable strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace. (Psalm 29:11)
7. Nothing is going the way I hoped – I will cry to God Most High, Who performs on my behalf and rewards me—Who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them! (Psalm 57:2)
How about you? Have you experienced an inner freak-out lately? Which of these scriptures most touches you?
(P.S. My daughter had been rear-ended, and though her car was damaged, there were no injuries for anyone, praise the Lord!)
(P.S. My daughter had been rear-ended, and though her car was damaged, there were no injuries for anyone, praise the Lord!)
Through my books I love to help readers know God, know Scripture, and know how to pray. Click on the images below to learn more about each book.
I believe
Hey Julie ~ Thank you so much for writing this beautiful blog! You have confirmed exactly what the Lord has been speaking to me about and with the exact words, "Freaked out". He showed me that is what the enemy uses to get us in doubt and unbelief but we have the greater one in us! Praise God! Thank you for all you do! Love u & miss u girl!
I typed a "beautiful and inspirational" thought, and couldn't figure out how to work this "publish" area, and lost it.
: )
So I wrote it for only my eyes and the Lord's, I guess !
Suffice it to say -
I believe ! ... that God is still 100% trustworthy, and that He speaks these words to me :
Believe. Trust. Faith. Courage.
Thanks for listening. Narda Gallagher
I can relate as this just happened to me this week when I could not reach my son and his wife.
I even checked the news sites in case there was an accident. The Scriptures you picked were perfect. In my trial, I meditated on II Sam. 22: 32-39 and how He wants us to trample the enemy of fear under our feet. Blessings.
Hello Julie,thank you for writting this blog,I am Latina learning more about how to pray.I love the lord,I recieve every day your encouragements words,sorry my writing skills are very poor so is my speaking but I am better in reading,I would like to have your book prayers for a women's soul, I know God is working on me.for finances isues I can't join for the study but I pray for you and your beautiful work.God bless you.your friend in Christ. Consuelo.
I was so excited when I came across this website from a post of another friend. The book jumped right out at me and I said "I need that". I minister to many women in our church and community and at times I remember everyone else but myself. My prayer is that I will be refreshed by this online study that I can remember I need some sparks in my life from the Lord for "just me". I know that it is not all about me - but too many times I put no focus upon me and then I become drained and dried up trying to move forward in my relationship with the Lord. I need to remember to just sit in his lap for just me and not sharing what others need. I looked through the table of contents in book and realized I needed just about every one of the topics for me. Thank you for doing this. God Bless, Jan
I try each day to walk in obedience to God without complaining but I do have moments in which at times I feel like freaking out and I have to close my eyes and remember that I am clothed in the fruit of the spirit which when I started this journey with the fruit of the spirit I prayed about love, faithfulness,self control some days better than others but I am getting there with God grace.
I am so grateful to have found this link. My vehicle was backed into in the street at a high rate of speed and I am afraid it is totaled due to frame damage, among the other things wrong. They had no insurance, and I only uninsured bodily injury. Looking like I will have to file a small claims suit. The person is my neighbor below me. I was advised to not speak to the person. This is going to be so hard. I have been stressing for 4 days now. Really needed some comfort and direction. This is going to be so difficult and uncomfortable.
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