Welcome to
the second week of our online study of "Prayers for a Woman's Soul". I hope your parched soul is beginning to
feel refreshed as you’ve been praying for yourself.
Your Week 2 Assignment
Read Chapter 3, My Attitude. As you’ve probably noticed, we won’t be reading the book in order—instead, I will be picking and choosing from among my favorite chapters (and that’s sort of hard!). But I’m praying and trusting God to lead us, and I know that after my mind, the other thing that tripped me up a lot was (and sometimes still can be) my attitude. I would actually obey something God said, so there was outward obedience, but inwardly, I was complaining and moaning (not a method I recommend!). :-)
Because attitudes are inward, it can be tempting not to deal with them or keep them hidden. But as women pursuing Jesus and His best for our lives, we want our inward lives to honor Him. So this week, we’re going to focus on praying about our attitudes.
Chapter 2 Excerpt from Prayers for a Woman's Soul
(Page 25) Our
bad attitudes have the ability to spread and infiltrate every square inch of
our home and family. Here’s the good news: We can clean up a bad attitude fast.
All we need is the ability to recognize our bad attitude, the willingness to
accept responsibility, and a heart that is quick to repent.
This week as you pray for your attitude, you’d
better believe you will be tempted to complain, moan, whine, or exhibit some other attitude issue you wouldn't allow in your kids. (Ha!) But the good thing is
God will point it out to you (big time! Not that I’ve ever experienced that…ahem…)
so that instead you can, by His grace, choose a good attitude at that very
moment that honors Him.
This week’s verse:
Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.
(Ephesians 4:23) (NLT)
This week’s questions:
- Has your attitude about a particular person or situation created a mess in your life this week?
- What specific attitude can you focus in on and pray about this week?
Remember the completely optional "Prayers for a Womans' Soul community FACEBOOK page; visit any time during the week and let me know your thoughts and experiences, or leave a prayer. Remember, we're in this together!
Want to join our online study? I'd love for you to! Please CLICK HERE for details.
To see Week One {My Mind} CLICK HERE
To see Week One Mid Week Follow-Up CLICK HERE
To see Week One {My Mind} CLICK HERE
To see Week One Mid Week Follow-Up CLICK HERE
Oh, what a good follow up to "My Mind". I noticed last week that my attitudes stem back to what I think. And what a wonderful reminder that just being quiet doesn't equal a good attitude, it matters what's in our heart. God sees it all!
Thank you again for getting me focused. Looking forward to what God is going to do this week!
I blogged about what God showed me last week: http://beranville.blogspot.com/2013/09/it-all-begins-in-mind.html
Rachel, loved your post about what God showed you last week! I'm so glad you are a part of this study! ((Hugs))
I agree with Rachel, this is a great follow up with prayers for the mind...the Scripture that I prayed over this morning was that my attitude will be the same that Christ Jesus had...humility seems to be a keyword...I had also asked God what attribute of His best describes His attitude...since we are to emulate Christ it made me happy to see the verse about Christ's attitude...he desired His attitude to be in line with His father's heart and that is my desire, too...so I look forward to see how God forms His attitudes into me this week, like you say it may be through some convicting life lessons, but it is worth it to become more like Jesus!
I am enjoying this study so much. It is teaching me to be more Christ-like in my thoughts and attitudes.
Could someone tell me in synopsis form how this study works? I have purchased the book and not too computer savvy but am trying. Trying to tie in this website, the book and Bible. On week 2 it stated read chapter 3. I was waiting for week 2 to ready chapter 2. I even left a comment and cannot find it. Thanks, Kathleen
Your comment: 'because attitudes are inward, it can be tempting not to deal with them or keep them hidden'; is so very true, and it spoke to my heart today. I know I am very good at keeping my resentful, sinful attitudes hidden. My prayer has to be: Lord, help me not to allow myself to be negative, critical, or judgmental. Lord enable me not to harbor resentment or any other sinful attitude. Lord, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing and acceptable to You.
This chapter was written for me! My husband and relocated in December and I have allowed myself to have a terrible time adjusting. My mind filled my heart with negative thoughts and then my attitude took over. Needless to say it's been a long 9 months for me and my sweet husband. God moved me to buy this book earlier this year. I can look back at notes and underscores and see how much it touched my heart but I think I just wasn't ready to do the work. This bible study is a blessing. I think God knew I was ready to do the work to make much needed changes. Thank you Julie.
I'm not sure how I want to approach this one. Since I've been through a massive transformation I've changed and almost can't relate to this. My past attitude was one of blaming everyone for everything wrong.... Grumbling and complaining about every single thing. My husband used to call me a curmudgeon and a nag.
I needed this reminder today! God is totally pointing out to me how much of a martyr I can be in my attitude toward my husband. I had a situation today that a year ago would have ended in a huge fight (or silence), but today there was grace.
Thank you so much for the reminder!
Oh my goodness. I needed to read this earlier today but God is good; he has been whispering to me for awhile now but lately he has gotten quite LOUD. My attitude needs to change and now I know it. Thanks so much for the reminder. I have been through so much in my life and I can't change the past but I need to remember that Jesus has been with me all along and will continue to be with me in my journey.
Thank you so much for this study! I am realizing more and more how much I need God, and that He actually listens and answers me--if I only take the time to talk to Him! It's amazing how much my mind and attitudes have changed this week!!
I agree with Rachel that being quiet does not equal a good attitude, because inside me is still grumping away. Needed to remind myself constantly & consciously to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinth 10:5) It is not always easy when we are confronted by difficult situations, sometimes things that happened are outside our control, eg bad attitudes of people, liars, pretensions that may set us into retaliation and confrontation. I pray for God to change my own heart instead and let His Truth seeps into my mind so to allow my heart to accomplish good things that help to display self-control on my mind. When we react to God's truth, we feel His Power working in us, we are not defeated, He promised to lift us up in His Victorious right hand.
I thank God for leading me to this site, when I was struggling recently to handle difficult situations with people or rather my mind.
Still learning to get around how to participate in this study. I do not have a copy of the book yet, but I want to exercise this as part of my spiritual growth. God bless all of you...Jean
Last week I meditated on, and memorized Romans 8:6, 'the Holy Spirit controls my mind which leads to life and peace'. This week, I am standing on Ephesians 4:23 as it teaches me that 'I will be made new in the attitude of my mind'. I was remembering a message I heard Chuck Swindoll teach about attitude and he shared that 'we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day' and that 'life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it'...
Hi Julie! I must admit I'm still having trouble praying for myself! I'm still feeling that I'm being selfish. My goal is to keeping pushing and have the mindset that its okay to be a little selfish and pray for myself.
I wake up many days with anxiety about all I have to do today, and feeling overwhelmed. Its like I get out of bed ready to do battle,like there are not enough hours in the day. I feel blessed to have come upon this study. I need to pray for myself everyday to ask God to calm my mind and bring peace in the morning. Start off the day with calmness instead of busyness and to embrace the tasks of the day and that he is not going to give me more than I can handle. I never thought to pray for myself,my attitude needs to change, sure I am smiling on the outside, but on the inside I am upset that recent burdens I never had before are now on my shoulders and not shared shoulders with my siblings. So this morning I asked God allow me to go to the study and not to the to do list. Feels good to not only pray for myself but to engage in the study and let God work in me as I take on the day. And I am enjoying a hot latte as I study. Also in everything I need to give Thanks. Julie, not sure how I fell upon this study, many of days I delete the Proverbs 31 emails if the headings do not interest me bc Im too busy, but I am glad I read this one and joined in the study. Graci'
During Week 2 I am not sure if we are receiving daily prayers to pray as in Week 1. If we are, how do I access them?
I must say, the prayers from Week 1 opened my eyes to how much I needed to cover myself in prayer. I prayed things I have never prayed for myself. God bless Julie's obedient heart.
Anonymous, the main prayer is the one is the book each week (which of course you can add to!). The optional Facebook participation offers a daily question and a daily prayer. Here is the link for the Facebook page:
Dawn: I understand the martyr attitude! But when God changes our attitude and perspective, it truly transforms everything! :-)
Courtney: You keep praying, girl! It is not selfish to pray for ourselves. It's absolutely vital!
Graci: I'm SO glad you are here! May the Lord send encouragement to your heart (and ALL of our hearts) as we pray about our attitudes this week.
This morning I had an attitude, because well I am hurt, and even though its wrong, the Lord had it ready for me this morning.
I know I need to change this attitude, especially when its only hurting myself...
Yes my attitude about someone has bother me and it was a mess until I went back to read our lesson this week. Working on attitude and expecting bad attitude is not good. So I redirect again to remove the mess that was trying to affect me this week. Stop negative thinking and avoid bad attitudes can prevent these messes the Devil is trying to sent. Praying hard and long keep the Devil far gone from all of us.
I am going to continue to pray for my mind and this will help me stay focus on a good attitude for this week and ongoing. Thinking about the great Blessings I have received and expect will keep me focus on the good and change.
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