Hi Sweet Prayer Friends,
Can it already be our third week of praying for ourselves—together? I’m loving your comments and hearing what God is doing as you walk out this holy habit of praying for yourself. You are awesome and I’m excited to see how God is working in your lives!
Your Week 3 Assignment
Read Chapter 5, My Fear. As you’ve probably noticed, we won’t be reading the book in order—instead, I will be picking and choosing from among my favorite chapters (and that’s sort of hard!). But I’m praying and trusting God to lead us. And something I battled from the time I was very young is fear.
I always felt afraid as a child. Afraid of new experiences, afraid of the dark, afraid of my dad’s violent outbursts, afraid I was going to say or do the wrong thing. Fear completely dominated me and because I had no other frame of reference, it was my normal.
Until God intervened and began pushing fear out of my life—little by little.
Until God intervened and began pushing fear out of my life—little by little.
This week we will be praying about areas in our life dominated by fear—and I believe we all struggle with fear on some level. Even King David struggled with fear. Psalm 56:3 says, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in You.” So we see not even a mighty King was immune to fear. We also see that the antidote to fear is trusting God—trusting that He is bigger than our fear—and trusting that He is able to deliver us from fear.
Chapter 5 Excerpt from Prayers for a Woman's Soul
(Pages 34-35) …Though it took time, fear eventually lost its grip, one white-knuckled finger at a time. The more I got to know the Lover of my soul, the more fear was displaced. As I clung to Jesus, fear became diluted by a force more powerful than any other: God’s love.
This week as you pray about the fears in your life, expect God to move. Expect Him to reveal fear He longs to deal with and remove, and as He reveals it, surrender your fear to Him. As you pray this week, continually ask God to give you a strong, bold, and very courageous heart.
This week’s verse:
I will not be afraid, for You are with me. (Isaiah 43:5)
This week’s questions:
- Have you experienced events or situations that opened the door to fear in your life?
- If you could completely alleviate one fear today—right now—what would it be? (Be sure to cover that in prayer this week!)
I will be praying for you all week long as together we pray about fear. I'd love to hear your thoughts on fear and where you stand and what you hope are praying and hoping for. If you are reading this via email, please CLICK HERE to share your thoughts by leaving a comment.
Please meet up with the (optional) Prayers for a Woman's Soul community on FACEBOOK any time during the week, as I will be posting daily questions and interacting with you there, too!
Please meet up with the (optional) Prayers for a Woman's Soul community on FACEBOOK any time during the week, as I will be posting daily questions and interacting with you there, too!
Want to join our online study? I'd love for you to! Please CLICK HERE for details.
Links to the first 2 weeks of the study:
Week One {My Mind}
Week One {Mid Week Follow-Up}
Week Two {My Attitude}
Week Two {Mid Week Follow-Up}

So glad you choose fear for this week, it fits me so well right now. For the 1st time in my life I am moving out on my own. Have always lived with someone, husband, kids etc. I also have Fibro and have a hard time doing things on my own. Please pray for my peace of mind during this change in my life.
So glad you choose fear for this week, it fits me so well right now. For the 1st time in my life I am moving out on my own. Have always lived with someone, husband, kids etc. I also have Fibro and have a hard time doing things on my own. Please pray for my peace of mind during this change in my life.
I have had life-changing experiences in the first two weeks of this study. The topics could not have been more appropriate for the situations that have come up in my life and the Lord used my prayers to speak deeply into my heart just when I needed it most. It has brought healing in my family and a new ability to express my love for my people. I am grateful and amazed at God's faithfulness. I am not a person who has a lot of fear, so I am almost hesitant to ask the Lord to reveal what fears I do have. Hahaha. OK, I almost said "afraid" ... But I am not afraid of our loving God. Even while He has spoken truths into my heart these past two weeks that were unpleasant for me to see, and I have needed to make amends to people I love, I have not felt anything but the love of our Father.
I am so grateful that the Lord is using this study in my life.
Fear is something that I have always battled, and now I am seeing my 3 year old daughter battle as well. This is definitely a topic that I must cover in prayer and trust God to remove these fears from me. One fear I continue to battle is the safety of my children. I know I must TRUST God and walk in full partnership with Him as I raise these little ones, but many times I allow my mind to take me in the wrong direction paralyzing me in fear. Praising God to move in this area of my life this week.
Such love has no fear, perfect love expels all fear.
~ 1 John 4:18, NLT
This is appropriate right now in my life. If I could alleviate one fear right now it would be feeling fearful for my daughter who just became a single mom this year and lives in Colorado and I in michigan. The "what if's" sometimes weigh on me. I will be traveling this week by myself to visit her - driving. Do not want fear to travel with me.
Fear played a big part in my life for a long time because of past situations, things that happened to me, but God has been healing those areas and I have come to trust Him more and more everyday. I'm amazed at how these devotions come at just the right time....These past few weeks have been so awesome, wow praying for myself seems odd at first, but let me tell you God hears us...I would never have stood up in from of the congregation and recite scripture. Pastor challenged us to memorize a scripture from our study last week. I studied it all week, and Sunday, with a little nudge from my husband I stood up and I DID IT! God gave me the courage to do it, He is my strength. I know I can do anything as long as I am obedient and walking in His light...Thank You Jesus Blessing to you all, sisters. Anna
I am always living in fear. I get to comfortable and scare to change. My biggest was getting a divorce and started to live on my own again. It was hard getting use to being by myself but I was not by myself. God had me and was watching over me. The thought of having to start over haunted me. But he do not give us nothing we can not bear. I think of god when fear tries to creep in. Because in him I can do all things possible. So I pray and will continue to pray for his guidance and strength because he make it possible for me to be all I can be. I put my fears and worries in hands because I trust and believe he will provide me with what I need, how I need and the ability to do things thur his name and glory.
Great choice. Fear lingers. It rears its ugly head, just when an opportunity of blessing appears, telling us lies to stop us dead in or tracks.
I have experienced several fears in my life. Overturning the fear was the greatest challenge of all times. But I did it, not by myself but with the grace of god. Fear can block you from several opportunities and chances. I learn the hard way and was force to learn. But I am glad I can face fears a little easier now.
Today the one fear I will Love to alleviate will be the fear of trying. I still get butterflies in my stomach to try new things. And I need to overcome this so I can always get ahead. My prayer today is to help me with my mind, attitude and fear of success. How can I success if I am to fearful to try. I pray to overcome this fear, to win the battle and be bless with victories. Dear God please help me and guide me to the road of your word. I want to live as you want me to be and to be your child.. Amen.
Julie, I love the many verses Isaiah shares about God's Word and promises to us about fear...all of Isaiah 41-43; but my personal favorite Isaiah 41:10 "do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." (NRSV) or as it says in the NIV Bible "do not be dismayed.....I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Whenever I feel that fear may be creeping up on me, I pray this verse to God. I am then enveloped in His arms and safe with Him...
Thank you for sharing this chapter, because often I deal with fear of death. Pray for my fears.
Thank you for sharing and leaving such heart-felt comments. I am praying and believing God with you and for you for FREEDOM from fear. Jesus is greater than our fears, and I know He is at work in our lives through this study!
My fervent prayer is that each one of you will sense God's very near presence as you pray for yourself this week regarding fear, and that He will bring complete and permanent FREEDOM from fear for ALL of us.
When I am in a study like this, satan seems to get going full force. When my hsb. called me a thing today I lost it. This sort of demeaning comment always gets me off course. If I am praying to be strengthened about something that is a struggle it really gets poured on. After being goaded to lose it, the demeaning remarks really flow. I am so sorry that I am such an embarrassment to my Heavenly Father.
I too have had fear ingrained in me since childhood. Too many reasons. Now I fear saying what I think for fear of being rejected and unliked. I try so hard to be what I think the people in my life want me to be but...I also resent how I feel taken advantage of. Each day I pray to be released from fear at home, at work, and anywhere it exsists.
Fear dominates my life at times. I am praying for relief from fear over my teenage children. I would welcome your prayers that God's love would miraculously overwhelm fear in my life in this area. Looking for a miracle
Thank you, Julie, for guiding us and praying for us! I had a job that caused some hearing loss, so am afraid of deafness. Am praying for you, too.-Carol Anne-
Thank you, Julie, for guiding us and praying for us! I had a job that caused some hearing loss, so am afraid of deafness. Am praying for you, too.-Carol Anne-
There's a poem I learned years ago and when fear begins to take hold I think of it; pray & carry on. I try to let go & remember that God is in control; I place my hand in God's....
My Hand In God's
Each morning when I wake I say,
"I place my hand in God's today;"
I know He'll walk close by my side
My every wandering step to guide.
He leads me with the tenderest care;
When paths are dark and I despair---
No need for me to understand;
If I but hold fast to His hand.
My hand in His! No surer way
to walk in safety through each day.
By His great bounty I am fed
Warmed by His love, and comforted.
When at day's end I seek my rest
And realize how much I'm blessed,
My thanks pour out to Him; and then
I place my hand in God's again.
By Florence Scripps Kellogg
Like Deborah M. above, the origins of my fear stem from my childhood. Because they've been with me so long, I find myself doubting if I will ever overcome. It can be frustrating, because I want to be bolder. I want to be free of fear in all forms and circumstances -- of people, of venturing out, of anxiety, and of regret. I've never taken the time to fully commit to praying for MYSELF. What a novel concept! I remember reading "The Shack" and the author pointing out that our fear stems from us imagining a future (i.e. that next moment or circumstance) without God. So obvious and true. But He's ALWAYS there, He never leaves us. He is in the midst of everything. This week is a turning point. I will trust that God can bring me through this. Stay encouraged ladies, take God's hand, and push through the fear.
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