{My Mind} Week 1 Follow-Up

Hi Friends,

If you missed the very first online study post, don't panic! You can click {Week 1 - My Mind} to catch up.   :-)

How is your first week of praying for yourself going? Since we’re focusing on our minds this week I hope you are sensing a fresh difference and that your mind is feeling renewed, more focused, more healthy. Can you believe the difference one week of concerted prayer can make when you allow yourself to pray—for you?

I hope your notebooks/prayer journals have gotten filled with beautiful words of encouragement from the Lord. As we pray about our minds, inviting God to show us wrong thought processes or negative thinking, He will not only show us areas that need change, but He will give us great grace to cooperate with Him.

When I first started praying for my mind, I became hyper-aware of how many critical thoughts I had daily. It was nearly overwhelming, except I knew there was a purpose, and that God was in the process of bringing holy change and transformation in my mind. Because that’s what this is all about—bringing change that frees us and honors Him.

Keep up the good work of praying for your mind this week! And remember to focus on your weekly Scripture verse, and also read your personalized Scripture verses in the “God’s Word for Me” section at the end of the chapter. { I like to say those verses aloud so I can really hear the truth and get it deep into my heart. Do you do that?}

If you’d like to share your thoughts about what you’ve discovered as you’ve prayed for your mind, I’d love to read all about it, so please leave a comment! 

And remember the optional "Prayers for a Woman's Soul FACEBOOK community. I'd love for you to interact with us there! :-)

If you’re reading this via email, CLICK HERE to leave a comment.

Want to join our online study? I'd love for you to! Please CLICK HERE for more information.

Praying for you,


Anonymous said...

Good Morning...So interesting what the Lord brings to mind regarding how He wants to transform our minds to be like the mind of Christ. This morning for the first time in a while He brought to mind a beautiful praise song "Hosanna" by Hillsong. To be praising the Lord in song this morning is much better than listening to my mental debates. Thank you Lord!

Anonymous said...

Mental debates occur daily. I've learned to try and identify whether my thoughts are positive or negative. If they are negative, I know they are not from God. So when negative thoughts occur I begin to recite scripture, soon those thoughts flee. Thank you for this study- it is exactly what I needed.

Rachel Beran said...

It is amazing how God works! As I've committed to this study and praying for my mind, He's spoken to me through it. And confirmed His message at every other turn in my life as well.

Three examples: on Monday God revealed to me through prayer a bad attitude toward a family member, that begins in my mind. On Tuesday at MOPS our mentor shared about taking our thoughts captive (in relation to dealing with emotions). To focus on what is fact rather than feeling. Then, on Wednesday as I listened to an older Focus on the Family broadcast about "Self Talk", I was reminded again that what I tell myself is sooo important.

It's amazing to realize (goodness, didn't I know this before?!) that all the negative stuff and struggles in my life begin in my mind. The enemy is busy scheming. We truly do need to take EVERY thought captive and be transformed by the renewing of our minds in Christ! It is a moment by moment choice...and I need to refocus on it's importance!!

THANK YOU for this study, Julie! God is doing stuff. :)

Anonymous said...

As I enter this study and commit myself to true discovery in God's eyes I am constantly being attacked by the evil in my mind. I am struggling with a relationship in which my spouse is constantly negative and is always having feelings f depression, not being connected to me and I find myself longing for help. I stated this journey to clear my own mind of the "junk" that is in it and to allow God to show me the truth but my fear about the unknown or what my be coming is leaving me feeling defeated and alone. The devil is hard on my heals no matter how much I pray. Father, give me strength to get though this and to find my self on the other side closer to you.

Pigeon River said...

Rachel, I'm right there behind you with God revealing so much to me this week! And praise the Lord for this study which is in His perfect timing. My book arrived at just the right time & I couldn't wait to get started. Just in the nick of time -- even the introduction helped me to see the huge negative mindset I have about some people. I began praying for them daily & I'm happy to report that slowly, very slowly it's turning around.
Then the study started & I saw even more negativity in other areas. And on Tuesday God emphasized it even more with our women's meeting at church in our program on staying positive.
Whew, God is working on me in a glorious way!
Thanks Julie for the inspiration to expand my horizons and pay more attention to what He has to say.

Anonymous said...

As I pray for myself this week, I've notice that I condemn myself and fill my mind with negative self chatter. I'll pray about something, then rationalize with God why the idea wouldn't work; or I will try to give Him subtle hints of how I think things should go. I'm learning that if I just seat still, not talk and listen, I'll be filled with His love and truths. And, I'll can release my controlling nature and negative talk to Him. For every negative comment, there's Scripture that tells me that my mind is allowing satan to pollute it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this study. It is something I have needed for so long as my mind is full of negative thoughts and is so muddled that I have no idea which way to turn. I seem to make one decision, then immediately decide it is the wrong decision. Just recently a dear friend sent me an email saying we should go our separate ways which has greatly upset me, especially as I have been rejected so many times in my life. I am praying that God will eventually restore our friendship. In the meantime I'm praying for God's direction in my life especially as regards downsizing from our family home, as I am now alone since my parent's death, into a smaller apartment. I'm praying that the negative self-talk will go during this time and God's direction in my life will become clear.

Jennifer said...

I identified a thought pattern that I want to change. Last night I spent over an hour looking up Bible verses related to loneliness. At the end of the day, being a divorced, single mom is tough. God has given me the strength to make the adjustment over the last 18 months. Morning to kids' bedtime is going well. It's when I am alone that I miss being married the most. I don't miss my ex and the unhealthy relationship we had, but I miss the adult companionship. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to be with us and that is what I am trying to focus on. Thanks for your prayers as I make this next adjustment.

Debbie said...

Jennifer I am with you on the loneliness issue. I am 53 & ended my 2nd marriage but knowing I have GOD on my side I have been able to make major steps & I know you will be able to do it also. I think being alone has made me a stronger person & to truly believe in myself. I do have days where I miss having adult companionship but I know GOD is not going to let me be alone. I am so glad I joined this online group. Thoughts & prayers to all my sisters in Christ.

enthusiastically, dawn said...

I honestly feel like this week every weapon of the enemy was thrown my way...we had such a good week last week with homeschool and this week it has been nonstop ugly! I have fallen on my face repeatedly but by His grace, I'm still standing. I continue to press on but it's as if Satan hit the override button on the week. God is bigger and I think I need to add Ephesians 6 to my meditation this week. I need to pray for my mind...better. But I have to say, considering all my mind has been through this week...there are some victories: Not dwelling long on the negatives, walking in forgiveness. For me it's recognizing and responding wisely to the enemy...and remembering the enemy works through those closest. BUT that does not make them the enemy. Phew. Mercy. Thanks for this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Just want to add on my previous email and ask for prayers as I'm feeling very low over the rejection of a friend whom I met on a website. I'm praying that God will restore this friendship, but it seems that the devil is working overtime in her to hurt me. I'm not sure that she, or her husband, are true Christians although they have previously said they are, as they belong to a movement who do not believe in The Trinity and on looking it up it says it could be a sect. However everyone on this website thinks she is a wonderful person. Because of this I feel God wants me to stay off of my computer for 2 or 3 weeks, although this will be hard, especially as the study book won't arrive for another 2 weeks after which I will come back into the study. I live on my own and am extremely lost and lonely.
Thank you so much for your prayers.

Anonymous said...

I was out with my students yesterday, who can be challenging at the best of times. I found myself having very negative thoughts about my ability to relate to them as I am unlikeable. I was able to stop myself mid thought and remind myself that God loves me so much that He gave His Son for me. It is so easy to slip into being negative when a challenge is put in front of us: 'the renewing of our mind'is a daily fight but one we will win.

Anonymous said...

I love the personalized Scriptures in the back of the chapter. I read them aloud and also wrote out a few of them. The first one, Romans 12:2, I also listed in my notebook some areas that I have been "conforming to the patterns of the world". This is a good visual for me to help see what specifically needs to be "transformed. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

As I read the posts, many use the same word "loneliness". I too struggle with this, as I am in a spiritually mismatched marriage, have had a couple quite significant changes in my life over the last couple of years and do not have close Christian friendships. I find myself in a hole tirelessly working to get out of it. The first hi-lite in my study is on pg. 16 "wrong mindsets were replaced with healthy, godly thoughts". That is my desire...but struggle getting there. I now realize this is a spiritual battle and I need to treat it as such. I must surrender as I cannot battle this with my own strength. Thanks be to God for using Julie to reach the women who are facing so many challenges in today's world. Blessings to each of you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to this study I now can admit that I have negative mindset toward my 2 adult sons and their behavior toward me. At last, because of this study, I now have a way to be able to change these thoughts with the Lord's help. I cannot do this alone. The Scriptures at the end of the first chapter jumped off the page at me. WOW!! What an impact they had on me. God is so good. Thank you Lord for bringing to my attention all the negative thoughts I have had and giving me Your words so I can change them. I do not like negativity, sadness or loneliness. This is how I have been feeling. Now I am feeling increasingly more positive, content and happier, because I have the promises of the Lord!!!

Mary Townsend said...

Julie, I was a little late getting started this week. Finishing up the Yes to God study... but did sit with the Lord last night in Eucharistic Adoration for a couple of hours and again today. Read the chapter and spent today every where I went throughout my day reminding myself "I have the mind of Christ." What a beautiful thought! Kept me God-focused today! Also, what a difference in the day when you turn off that negative internal chatter right away and remember there is no room for that in the mind of Christ! Thanks Julie!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@Jennifer. The Lord said that He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be with you always even until the end of the earth. So know that you are not alone in everything that you do and when you think you are alone because He's right there waiting patiently to spend some intimate time with you to show you His love and His awesomeness.

Tricute6 said...

Week one follow up was a challenge. I am glad I finish it on a positive note.

Stella said...

My name is Stella, i have been married for 2years now and about 7 months ago my husband started behaving strange. He started keeping late nights and suddenly he told me he was tired of me so we eventually broke up, i got confused and worried cos i love him so much. i narrated everything to a friend of mine who later directed me to a spell caster named Prophet Mike, at first i felt reluctant because i thought i had lost him completely but Prophet Mike assured me that he was going to bring my husband back to me. i asked if there was gonna be any blood sacrifice and he said no so i told him i was down for whatever, in just 3 days, i received a call from my husband that he wanted to see me and i told him to come over, 20 minutes later i heard the doorbell behold it was my husband on his knees crying and pleading for me to come back to the house. before now i never believed in miracles but now i know better. i am so so happy, thanks to Prophet Mike. If you are having any problems in your life be it marital problems or sickness of any kind: email Prophet Mike on purityspell@gmail.com and i promise you that all your problems will be a thing of the past...

Anonymous said...

My name is (ANALISA BASTE) from UNITED STATES i was heart broken when my husband dumped me for another girl, i was really in love with him without him i was empty until i contacted Dr Upesa for a love binding spell, he cast a spell for me to get my husband back and my husband came back after 3days when he cast the spell i will advise any one in any kind of problem to contact Dr Upesa for any kind of spell on his email: upesalovetemple@gmail.com

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