Welcome to those who are here today via my Proverbs 31 devotion, Imprisoned by Shame. {Click Here if you haven't yet read it and would like to!}
Hi Sweet Friends,
I’m so excited to start this “Prayers for a Woman’s Soul” 8-week online study and prayer journey with you! I’m picturing your smiling faces over a steamy cup of something warm and wonderful (I’m a hot tea girl), sipping as you read and pray.
- As your prayer journey begins, you will read the chapter assigned to you. Then you will pray for that particular topic for the entire week. This is where your notebook will come in handy. Write down each week’s topic, then zero in on specifics.
- Record what you sense God is impressing on your heart. This will become a treasured resource you can refer to later when the same issue comes up (and don’t we know that always happens?!). What you’ve written down will enable you to persevere in prayer and belief later.
- Don’t forget to use each week’s personalized Scripture verses {“God’s Word for Me” at the end of each chapter} as part of your prayer time.
- Each week we will focus in on one particular Scripture verse—it will become our go-to verse as we pray for each week’s specific topic.
- We will meet here on my blog every Monday for assignments and direction, then we will do a mid-week follow up on Thursdays to discuss what we've learned and experienced so far! It's going to be wonderful to share our hearts and what we've learned together!
Remember, to participate in this study you will need:
- A Bible
- A notebook or prayer journal
If you’re new here and just finding out about the study and would like to join (and I’d love you to join us!), all you have to do is:
- Sign up in the RED BOX on the upper right corner of my blog. That's it! On Mondays you will receive your weekly assignment, verse and encouragement; on Thursdays we will do the mid-week follow up. Both will arrive via email after you sign up.
- Don't want to be behind on our study? You can read the Introduction and Chapter One (this week’s assignment) for free by CLICKING HERE.
Your Week 1 Assignment
Read the Introduction—it will give you some insight into where I was when my prayer journey began—let me know if you can relate! I’d love for you to share where you are right now and what you are hoping to get out of this study and out of this special time of prayer. And then read Chapter One, My Mind.
As you read the introduction and first chapter, highlight verses or sentences that stand out to you. Now take time to pray and ask God to help you as you begin this holy habit of praying for yourself. Remember, I will be praying for you throughout these 8 weeks.
Our online study will take place right here on my blog every Monday and Thursday. Optional: If you are on Facebook and would like more interaction, please join me on the "Prayers for a Woman's Soul" community FACEBOOK PAGE daily for a daily question and prayer. I'd love to hear from you there. :-)
Chapter 1 Excerpt from Prayers for a Woman's Soul
(pg. 16) Though the attacks against our mind can be subtle, God grants discernment when we ask Him. He will reveal to us what we are not always capable of discerning apart from the Holy Spirit: erroneous, potentially destructive thoughts and mindsets.
This week as you pray for your mind, be aware that God will begin showing you thoughts and mindsets that need to change. Allowing God to transform our mind is a good thing, and the beginning of developing healthy, accurate, godly mindsets. This is God’s will for us!
This week’s verse:
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2) (NASB)
This week’s questions:
- Do you recognize the enemy’s assault on your mind this week?
- What specific thoughts and mindsets do you need help changing?
As I say in my book, step out in expectation; stir up your faith and ask God to meet you as you make time to regularly pray for yourself.
If you are reading this via email, please CLICK HERE to share your thoughts by leaving a comment.
If you are reading this via email, please CLICK HERE to share your thoughts by leaving a comment.

Just saw the offer and am excited to do the online study. I how ever do not have the book, in addition I am outside the USA and Canada.
I am waiting for my book to arrive. I have the devotional and I have been in prayer asking for God to reveal to me my faulty thinking. To help me to see why certain people can set my emotions to rise.
Thank you for this study, I pray for God's wisdom and for his blessing on you as you lead us.
I am excited to see what God brings to my mind and my heart in the next eight weeks. I have for sometime needed a change, a change of thinking and a change of life. With this refection and my willingness to allow God into my heart I am praying for the guidance I need to start new and to continue on the journey of passion and commitment in my life. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to join you in this quest. :)
I'm excited to start this study & it's at the perfect time too! I take my board exams for the 2nd time in 5 weeks. I believe I failed the first time due to the battle that went on in my mind during the whole exam! I'm looking forward to going into the exam this time with better tools to fight with & deliverance from the lies I so often believe. I would greatly appreciate prayer as I do this study but as I also study for boards.
Thanks so much!!
I have been on a prayer journey for 15 years. There are ups and downs as I work thorugh my bondages and disbeliefs. I do well for the most part - but it is the busyness that sets in and then my mind wonders, "how can I do it all?" This week is one of those times. I become overwhelmed by expectations. I discussed this with my husband, and he made it seem much simplier. I need to stay on track and realize that I can't do it all.
I just finished your introduction and already gained an important insight, the importance of praying for myself. It's so simple but such a novel concept for me and probably most women. I never do this! But now realize how much I need it! I could totally relate to the pot boiling over analogy! That is a good description of how I pray, but now I realize that the daily fortifying prayer for others AND myself is also important! I have never prayed exclusively for myself, even when I pray for patience and wisdom, it is for my family. Thank you for your insights and for permission to pray for me! :)
I am excited to see how God will work through the thinking of negative attitudes that has envaded my mind through growing up with a parent who just excepted life as a continous struggle in everything and it does not get better.A mindset I myself have brought into my relationship with my husband and children occasionally with negative and discouraging thoughts that life financially will always be a continous struggle no matter how hard we work.However I am reminded through God,s word that there is hope and a better future that he has planned out for us according to his purpose and will.
I do realize that satan tries to send so many negative thoughts; unfortunately, I usually don't realize it until later....
Yes, the enemy is at work and I believe he knows just where to get us. And he is subtle. He's already at work telling me this study won't work for me. What difference will another study make. You've done so many and you're still depressed and your circumstances haven't gotten any better. Why don't you just give up and then I won't bother you because I only go after those who are moving towards God. He's also saying "how can you be happy when people you love are miserable?" There is a battle going on for our minds. I will focus my mind on Truth... The Holy Spirit will transform my mind. I am waiting for the natural supernatural to happen.
My husband and I are in marriage counseling. When I first read about you, I knew you were a Godsend for me. My counselor asked me last week- "What is the Lord saying to you"?
I have 30 years worth of hurt, and I feel like it is blocking what God is trying to tell me. I am so excited about this study!
thank you.
God has been speaking to me about this book since you first introduced it on proverbs 31. I bought it right away but haven't studied it the way God was leading me to. Thank you for this study and pray for me to have the initiative to really focus and allow God to help me do the hard work that I know I need. I've been attacked with critical thinking most of my life and it's kept me from being the person God intends for me to be. I'm 60 years old and it's long past time to learn to love and believe in myself as much as God does. "the Lord listens to my cry and will give me the discerning mind he promised.". Psalm 119:169.
In my reading this morning I read 2 Tim 3:1-9 and was hit hard by vv 5-7 "having the appearance of godliness but denying its power. Avoid such people. For among them are this who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and lead astray by various passions, always learning ann never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth."
I really need this prayer time for myself, to sift through priorities and get rid of un-necessary junk that clogs my mind, to get rid of sins that clog my mind/life. To get "my first love back" and totally come under the authority of Christ...
I'm ready!
this is definitely one of the many God-coincidences in my life. Having discernment about a person that swiftly emerges into one's life superficially exuding all the pc church-speak with serious negatives in their personal life and then being able to wisely and affectively deal with the situation is a really huge dilemma in my life at this time. HELP
Hi Julie! I am fighting the enemy's assault as I type! He keeps nudging me to give up on my marriage. He keeps reminding me of the fact no one in my family has had a successful marriage. If they are still married, its because the woman have twisted the scripture about submission. They feel no matter what the man does, women are supposed to stay! My husband comes from decades of marriages. They know how to make it work and how to fight for the marriage while keeping God first. I've only been married 18 months! In this this we've moved 10 hours away from family and friends, I've had a hysterectomy, and got so depressed I tried to commit suicide. I feel alone at times because my mother passed away when I was eleven, and I don't have any sisters. I can't talk to my family because they will say leave! And his family usually takes my side. I don't want them to take a side, but share advice! I'm also not working because I'm healing from surgery. I have all day to stew over these things! I've talked myself into thinking I'm worthless because I can't give my husband children; although he's totally fine with not having or adoption. I've told myself he's going to find someone else and start a family. These are the things my father did to my mother when she was dying from cancer.
I'm praying this study clears my mind of all negative thoughts; and let my past go! I want to have a successful marriage and do it God's way. I want to be able to totally believe he loves me for me. He's not going to treat me as my father did my mother. He's not going to abandon me like my father did.
Thank you for the P31 devotion today - it spoke directly to me!! Words of affirmation I need to marinate in.
The first question immediately brought the words "doubt" and "discouragement" to my mind. I have been in a place where I looking for the next chapter, "next assignment" from God. Searching for a job and move for my family. When I have had good interviews, felt good about a direction. Then "WOW" doubt comes in what if....they don't like, what if,,,,they say she's not the right person. The big one what if we aren't able to find work or a place to move, what will happen to us as a family. Then I take my quiet place, quiet time and say "He is my refuge, He is my strength and He lavishes me with His love." It just seems that Satan is bringing the doubt and discouragement more frequent and with more strength.
I am a woman of many faces,personalities, depending on who I am with. I want to become authentic and quit trying to relive the past. I am under persecution...by ME! I have never felt worthy of God's love and secretly thought it was only for others not for me. Dare I hope? Parts of me want to believe I can be victorious but parts of me plan for failure not believing I can lose weight, write, bring others to Jesus. Prayer is a start!
Hello Julie! I am so grateful for Prayers for a Woman's Soul and this online study; thank you :) Freedom from wrong mindsets and cooperation with the Holy Spirit for healing/release/growth is something I long for and look forward to.
Do you recognize the enemy’s assault on your mind this week? Yes....to take things that are not mine...trying to actually numb my mind because I get overwhelmed easily and I just go numb after awhile ..part of it is Fribromyalgia which does not help BUT for GOD and HIS Word He can get me right back up And lead me on!!!
What specific thoughts and mindsets do you need help changing? All of them, guilt for not being what i need to be doing, anger, fear, judging others,there are days i cannot turn my brain off and it gets out of control,,,not like a crazy person but i just seem to fight to turn my thoughts off
...yet another problem of the Fibromyalgia...
which by the way is not in any means saying its my excuse but it is my reality for now....Gods peace to you ALL ...I love this already...hope i did this right
Romans 12;2 is our Scripture of the week
thank you all for what you all do for our Father God Yahweh
I am looking forward to keep renewing my mind in the Lord, The Lord has done wonders in me, especially in my negative mindset, I do sometimes feel I worry to much, however this is a process, and I know the Lord is working in me ! I usually only ask the Lord for wisdom, and strength, because I have always thought if I pray for others God will take care of me.
I will be praying for these courageous women who have posted here, so that God will continue to work in our lives for his Glory
Sometimes my mind is cluttered with all the wrong things. I pray for clarity and to see things as God wants me to see them. I want to truly be myself always no matter what situation and to stop being a people pleaser. My mind is racing at night of the things I have said or done that I wish I would have slowed down enough that I wouldn't have done or said them in the first place. God I pray you take control of my mind. Please guide my mind in the direction of your course. Amen.
I stumbled across your blog tonight Julie.. just in time to start this series with all these amazing women. Coincidence? I think not. Naturally Jesus spoke directly into the fibers of my soul where they were frayed and tattered from The Enemy's attacks. I recognized after just a short reflection that I have been thinking I am in control.... Ha! What a hilarious thought, right? Well, waiting to get engaged to the man I feel God has for me is hard! But I have asked for Jesus to reach down and write my love story and stupidly have been acting like "okay Lord I have got it from here". The only way this will happen the right way is in God's precious timing. And it will be so much better in His timing than my own. So Praise the Lord for making me aware of that and other attacks tonight.
And Praise Jesus for this vehicle of ministry. I pray the Enemy not thwart us on our journey to bring Glory to the Kingdom!
So thankful you are having this online study! WIll be checking in- but even this morning reading the intro for the second time, I could relate. Balancing Homeschool, life, ministry and details of all- that resonated. Here is to the journey ahead and all God will reveal to us along the way!
I need to pray for myself first. And I do not never pray for myself first. I always pray for everyone in advance and first. But hopefully with this study I will learn to pray for my self first so I can pray for others. I always put everything ahead of me now I will have the time and structural to pray for me first. Thank you for this study and I will learn and find the ability I need to help me along the way.
Trina White Clark
Even now my first thought is "All of these women are so amazing, and are going through so much. They deserve to be prayed for more than I do." Knee-jerk, FALSE, reaction, because we all deserve to be prayed over, and I DO need to finally learn to pray for myself and not feel selfish for doing so. Those are the attacks I'm facing, and the mindsets I need to erase this week; that I am worthy of care and attention because GOD created me, and he wants me to pray to him and lean on him for strength. Motherhood, Meniere's, migraines and work are no match for a prayer warrior.
I think the key word in the question asked is do we "recognize" the enemy's assault on our mind. I am slowly learning that skill. The enemy loves to bring condemnation that weighs us down. Words that suffocate us are from the enemy, words that set us free are from Christ. I need to be set free every day from my thoughts and mindsets that hold me captive. It's a continuing process. I believe this study will be most helpful in challenging me.
Julie...I have been receiving your blog posts for some time now and am so grateful for this online study. I have long been aware that I fight a daily battle with critical mindsets and I think I had just resolved to believing that it was just 'how I am' maybe as a result of being a first-born child struggling with perfectionist tendencies all my life. I think what spoke very loudly and clearly to my heart on page 16 was that I didn't recognize that what I thought was 'me' has really been an assault of the enemy and that I have lived my life 'surrendered' to those assaults...clearly the attacks are so subtle that I accepted that was my personality, my make-up/design even though it is such a contradiction to God's word. I clearly have a lifetime of agreements/inroads I allowed the enemy to forge in my mind from a very young age be it by family strongholds or upbringing but my desire is to be determined going forward to recognize when my mind is being attacked and to be prayed-up so as not to give any more 'mind-turf' to the enemy...the verse I am memorizing and storing in my heart this week is Romans 8:6...The Holy Spirit controls my mind, which leads to life and peace! Amen!
I have been struggling so much the past few years to restore my life after my daughter's addiction to meth, her recovery, then ruptured appendix. She has a 4 year old daughter and because they left part of her appendix inside by accident she has had to endure many surgeries since. Her addictions started when she was 16. She is now 27 and still living at home with her daughter. I am relieved we have come so far and feel we are finally on the other side of chaos but I am so exhausted I can hardly function. I am struggling to put my own life back together; spiritually, and in physical wellness. I've been married for 17 years to an unbeliever who is gradually becoming closer to God but he is very narcissistic, emotionally abusive and has had issues with substance abuse. This has created severe disfunction in our blended family. My biggest "worry" lately has been our 12 year old son who has learned to treat me like his dad treats me. I have let my discouragement take over and negativity has crept in. The other night I couldn't sleep and felt God nudging me to spend time with him. I took the time to pray at length for each member of my family ... and then for myself. It brought me to a realization that not only have I not spent that all important time with God and haven't been praying like I used to, but I hadn't been taking care of myself; even in prayer. I saw a post for this on Facebook and know it is just what I need.
For the last 6 months my marriage has been struggling due to my own struggles. My childhood wasn't perfect and I now find myself struggling in my marriage because of this. It is such a blessing to have found this online bible study. The thought of going to a counselor or a therapist gives me anxiety...I'm a very private person...and I really believe in my heart this is exactly what I need. Thank you GOD for bringing this into my life at the perfect time. I pray that my negative thinking gets washed away and I come out a better person on the other side. Blessings!!
Sweet Friends,
I am praying over each and every one of these comments, and believing God to do big things in our minds this week as we pray specifically for our minds.
Julie. As i read the many comments here, i am so grateful that this study came at thid time. I come from Zimbabwe. I got married 4yrs ago and have not been able to conceive. Last year i had a laparoscopy which showed i had endometriosis. I was devastated though it is mild. I went through treatment and in June this year got my first period after 8months. Now we wait. This took a toll on me physically spiritually and emotionally. Because of my past and family history i felt the Lord was punishing me. I felt unworthy. Felt left behind. But i realise how these thoughts have damaged my marriage and general outlook on life. It doesnt help that i am a stepmom and have baby mama drama at times. Presently i am in Bermuda taking a time out. But i realise God directed me here alone. I came to my friend who is doing another study. When a woman says yes to the Lord. And i found you. How great is our God. Thank you for this teaching. Im cofident it will change my life.
I have been touched by the first lesson. As the enemy tries to attack my mind during this difficult time my family and I are enduring, I am happy to hear the words from this weeks verse. This study is right on time for many of us, so I thank you Dear Julie for allowing God to use you as a vessel to change many of us into what God intends for us to be, My prayer is for transformation and for Gods good and perfect will to be done in my life, and the women who are here following your lead my dear. truly excited to do next weeks study.
My book came just in time! Yay! Thank you! On the journey to bring every thought "captive" - have hope.
Julie, thank you for having chapter 1 open for us to read. I am waiting on my book which should arrive today or tomorrow. I see where you say it is so important to pray for ourselves, and yes we are so busy praying for others. I want to become an awesome prayer warrior, not only for others but for myself! Since I have gotten more involved with reading by bible, doing the OBS from Proverbs 31 and journaling, I have been on such a wonderful journey, falling more and more in love with my Savior. I still struggle in one area. I have a very controlling sister who just seems to thrive on antagonizing people. I have refused to have phone conversations with her, because they always end bad. I asked for emails and tests, and even those from her are bad. What ever I respond is always taken on the defensive. When I see emails or texts from her, I feel sick to my stomach. I need prayer for me to stop and ask God to remove this from me. I pray for her and what she is going thru, but now I need to pray and ask God to help me get rid for this feeling and use scripture to rebuke satan. Thank you for the beautiful prayer...I love the verse for this week, I will pray for satan to flee from me...I'm so excited for this study...
Thank you for this book and this study. It has come at the perfect time for me as I am dealing with so many issues. Two things that really spoke to me in the introduction were that we can't give away what we don't have, and the quote from James, 4:2 We have not because we ask not. I have started praying for myself and have felt such a difference! And the chapter on praying for my mind met me where I am, and I have been dealing with flashbacks and negatives thoughts about myself from a traumatic event in my past, and this made me realize that Satan is behind those flashbacks and the negative thoughts, and that through prayer I can drive him, and those things, away and out of my mind. Your line about how praying for God to change my thinking will not only help me, it will transform me-that really spoke to me, and it has proven true this week.
so I continue to pray for myself, my mind, and all the ladies in this study. I pray that God will truly transform us into the people He made us to be as we pray for ourselves.
Just last week I felt God tell me that my mind was being attacked. It is hard for me to slow down...I feel that I must constantly be productive. This week's study helped me see that I need freedom from the thought that God is never satisfied with me. No matter how much I do, I never feel good enough. I've been walking with God long enough to intellectually know this is not true. I am praying for a clear, sharp, discerning mind that sees when those lies are at play. It is so subtle...need God moment by moment!
As I reflect on Day 3's prayer on FB - how we are to pray for our minds this week, for God to give us the mind of Christ, I feel peaceful and thankful to have the opportunity to pray for change in my faulty thinking. I actually had the opportunity to share this with a co-worker today who is not a Christian, but in a battle with negative thinking. I shared how I get caught up too. She was very receptive and thanked me that I shared with her and that I would pray for her.
As for today's question - If we had the mind of Christ how would our thinking change? I loved reading 1Corinthians 2:16. Somehow I never really focused on this verse before. "who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. Brings me to Phillipians 4:8 - to mediate on things that are pure, good, true.........that is how we change our mindset through the Holy Spirit.
I recognize all to easily the enemies assault on my mind. I have been "trying" for years to change my daily thought process. I stumbled upon your study and knew right away that was God's doing. Now praying to change my thought process and have already felt and seen a change.
I am just starting this study and can't wait for it to transform my life. I already pray for myself, but I could use some guidance/support. I am in a difficult place with my children right now. They are adults living lives that break my heart. I have grandchildren who are far away and not getting the lifestyle that would bless them.
I just heard from my daughter-in-law and was reduced to tears. She always commented how glad she was that we had such a good relationship unlike the other Army wives. Now it seems that was just talk.
The old me would run to the kitchen and eat, but I prayed. I am going to keep on praying and dive into this study. It couldn't have come at a better time.
I have found such healing and power in this study this week, through the book, and the words and prayers of other participants. My thinking has already started to change, and when I start thinking negative thoughts, or having flashbacks or feelings of shame and guilt, I say, " Get away from me Satan, I'm God's girl and you aren't welcome here!" Then I pray the scripture 2Timothy 1:7-for God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power and love and self discipline.
I purchased this book in April, read about 7 weeks then put it down for some reason. I'm happy for the opportunity to learn through this study with you all. I'm just getting started on Lesson 1 but already feel the Lord speaking to me on some mindset issues. Excited for what's in store for us for healing, wholeness, clear minds and freedom in Christ. Thank you, Julie, for the book and now this study. God Bless!
I'm SO encouraged by your awesome praise reports, and my heart is joining with those of you who have written out prayer requests. I KNOW God is at work among us and can hardly wait to see all the GOOD things He is going to accomplish in and through each one.
Hugs & Prayers,
Julie :-)
It's Friday. I haven' been as faithful to this study as I thought I would be. I have only picked up my journal and the devotional twice this week. I realize though that my mind has and is under attack. I pray everyday. I also realize that they are feeble prayers without much conviction. Praying that will come in time.
I am playing catch up as I start this online study a little late. Julie, thank you for this amazing journey which we all are joined together in this study of praying for ourselves and souls. This was a new concept for me, the assault by the enemy on my mind. But as I think about it there are so many times that I allow the enemy in to assault my mind and how I find myself listening to all the negative thoughts running through my mind everyday. Specifically what I need help to change are my thoughts that I am unlikable and all those who I thought were my friends have just rejected and turned away from me and I have locked myself away in my own loneliness so that I don't have to bear anymore hurt and rejection from others. I begin to believe that God is trying to teach me to be alone and learn to be less outgoing because I love people and having friends but He wants me to learn a lesson and punish me for not focusing more on him and my prayer life. I want to let go of my hurt and see myself as a better person. But I fear reaching out to others because of the hurts and rejections I have been through. I need help changing my thoughts and mindset that I am not worthy of their love our even God's love. I also need help with my thoughts of anger and hatred for my father and how mean and hateful he was and how I recoiled in fear whenever I had to be with him. I want to forgive him but I just haven't been able to do that even though he passed away 3 years ago. Those thoughts haunt me that I cannot forgive what I had to endure growing up and even as an adult trying to help him as a care giver during his 10 years of health problems. All these things engulf my mind and I realize that maybe I can learn to pray for my mind and the assault which the enemy is placing in my mind. I don't know if I understand yet but I do need help to let go of these mindsets and find a new way through God and prayer. I never prayed for myself except for forgivness of my sins. I always believed others should come first in my prayers. I have seen praying for myself as selfish. I even asked my husband about me starting this study and if I were to pay for myself, if that was being selfish. He said, I should most definitely be praying for myself. As you wrote in the introduction, Julie, I can so relate to wondering if I could put on my facemask first before I help everyone else. I just always learned that I should place others before myself. So, here I go trusting in the Lord to show me a new way to be and to kick that enemy out of my mind so I can discern the willl of God for me and my life. I begin by praying that I can do this and have a stronger, healthier mind without all these negative, destructive thoughts brought to me by the enemy!
As I read the posts, many use the same word "loneliness". I too struggle with this, as I am in a spiritually mismatched marriage, have had a couple quite significant changes in my life over the last couple of years and do not have close Christian friendships. I find myself in a hole tirelessly working to get out of it. The first hi-lite in my study is on pg. 16 "wrong mindsets were replaced with healthy, godly thoughts". That is my desire...but struggle getting there. I now realize this is a spiritual battle and I need to treat it as such. I must surrender as I cannot battle this with my own strength. Thanks be to God for using Julie to reach the women who are facing so many challenges in today's world. Blessings to each of you!(I hope it's ok I posted to both 09-09 & 09-12)
I thank the Lord for the Holy Spirit who makes me realize when enemy is attacking me in my thoughts and when I don't speak slowly and watch how words can effect the other person, the Holy Spirit convicts me and I know immediately what I have to do is ask the Lord for forgiveness as well as to the person I spoke negative words then that heavy burden is immediately lifted. Thank you Father for you are so good to me and teach me that I am to be a reflection of you.
I love to read, but sometimes I just don’t have enough time. In college there is a lot of written work on nursing topics and this is a big problem. I decided to buy nursing papers, I think now I will have more free time for my leisure time.
This online study, Week 1 Prayers for a Woman's Soul, is truly inspiring! It offers deep reflections and encouragement for women seeking spiritual growth. Connecting prayer with daily life is essential, just like structuring a compelling argument in a persuasive speech. Speaking of structure, if you're looking for persuasive speech topics, MyAssignmentHelp provides expert guidance to craft impactful speeches. Whether it's faith-based discussions or academic subjects, having well-organized thoughts is key. Looking forward to more enriching sessions in this study! #Faith #PersuasiveSpeechTopics
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