We've all done it: compared
ourselves to others. Whether we compare our bodies, our families, our jobs, our
callings, or where we are on the journey, the temptation can be so subtle we
barely recognize it. But it's dangerous ground we would be wise to avoid.
Comparing ourselves to others
does a lot of things--none of them good:
It creates pressure - When I
read certain writers whose flowing, beautiful words evoke deep passion,
sometimes I'm tempted to try to emulate their style. But the pressure to be
someone else makes me miserable and in the end I always fail. We don't need the
pressure of trying to be something and someone we're not. When we're true to
ourselves, there is no pressure.
It leads to frustration - Nothing
squelches our ability to fulfill God's specific destiny for our lives like
comparison, and that is frustrating. He has equipped us for every good work, but only when we're following His plan for our lives--not when we're
trying to be like someone else. When we pursue the Lord and His plan, frustration is alleviated.
It fosters insecurity - And
insecure people don't get far. Insecurity prevents us from maturing, because it partners with fear to hold us back. But when we instead strive to know God's unique plan for our
lives, we grow in both ability and confidence.
It makes us feel small - We've all
experienced a moment when we felt pale and insignificant in the shadow of
another. But the truth is we are exactly who God created us to be, and it
grieves the Holy Spirit when we think of ourselves as less than all God's word
declares. Instead of standing in someone else's shadow and allowing ourselves
to feel small, let's dwell under the shadow of the Almighty, confident in our
identities and giftings as God's daughters.
It breeds competition - Comparison
turns our hearts into scales--we're constantly weighing what others have and we
don't. Remember, this is a race to the finish of our own God-given
destiny, not a race to beat someone else. We can cheer each other on, pray for
one another and remember that we're on the same team!
It robs us of our unique identity
- There's no way we can become all God intends for us to be
when our eyes are on others. When we keep our focus on the Lord and His plan
for us, we can grow and excel in our own individual style.
Every one of us possesses a valuable,
God-given destiny. As we choose to trust in God, focus on Him, and obey His
direction for our lives, then He is honored. And we are anchored to the One who
holds our destiny. This frees us to authentically pursue His calling on our
lives, while authentically cheering on our sisters. When we resist the
urge to compare ourselves, we avoid dangerous ground and demonstrate the belief
that our own callings, however small or grand they may feel, hold value.
careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a
job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else.
(Galatians 6:4)
Comparison Prayer: Father, help me to clearly perceive
and respect my own God-given destiny, resist the urge to compare myself, and
avoid the dangerous ground of comparison. When I am tempted to compare, I will
instead cooperate with Your Holy Spirit by paying attention to my own work, and
I will joyfully cheer on those around me. Thank you for the good plans You have
for me. Enable me to honor You and fulfill my God-given destiny without
comparing myself to others. In Jesus’s name, Amen.
- FREE CHAPTER ~ If you would like encouragement to pray for YOU, you can read Chapter One of Prayers for a Woman’s Soul for FREE! To get your free chapter, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

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