eye roll.
critical thought.
snarky remark.
form negativity takes, it does a quick work in a bad way. Negativity fizzles
enthusiasm, hurts hearts, and steals joy. A negative word adversely changes the
atmosphere of our home or a person’s heart.
negativity is infectious. It goes viral faster than a video of a deployed
soldier’s surprise homecoming.
not sure why it’s so dang easy to be negative, or why a critical word slips
between my lips with such ease, despite my intentions. But I’m determined to
fight it. To do my part. And to pray for God to change my heart. Because as
Luke 6:45 points out, it’s “out of the heart the mouth speaks”.
most powerful thing we can do—that changes the very atmosphere of our hearts and
squelches negativity—is to cultivate
intentional gratitude. And what better time of year to prayerfully practice
this than now…with Thanksgiving on the horizon?
Here are 3 simple, specific
ways you can practice intentional gratitude:
1. Before
your feet hit the floor each the morning, whisper a sentence of gratitude to
God. Lord, thank you for Your peace.
Or, Lord, thank you for your fresh new
mercies this morning. Whatever you need or whatever He has already done for
you, turn it into a simple prayer of thanksgiving as you swing your legs out of
bed. This sets the tone for a day of gratitude.
2. Ask
the Lord to help you recognize and notice everyday blessings all throughout
your day. Then thank Him specifically. Have a full pantry? Thank Him. Did you
enjoy that talk with your friend? Thank Him. Whether it’s a hot shower,
sunshine streaming into your windows, a beautiful breeze or a car that works,
notice it and express your gratitude. Make this a daily habit!
3. Thank
those around you for simple gestures. Did your spouse take out the trash? Thank
him. Did you child actually put their cup in the dishwasher? Thank them. Did
your mailman lug a large box up your driveway? Thank him. People love to be noticed
and appreciated (I sure do!), and expressing our thanks to those around us (even
for small things) is a great way to encourage others while cultivating our own
heart of gratitude.
November, let’s take our gratitude efforts to the next level. As we each
prayerfully cultivate intentional gratitude this month, it will become a holy
habit—one that squelches negativity and changes the atmosphere of our hearts
and homes. And that is something to be thankful for.
Every woman struggles to believe she is who God says she is and to believe the stunning promises He whispers to her heart. But when you're a hot mess (and we all are to one degree or another), it's hard to imagine things can be different—that you can be different.
In my book, From Hot Mess to Blessed, I help you
- understand your identity in Christ instead of believing "I'll always be this way"
- embrace your true significance instead of feeling less-than
- hold on to peace instead of freaking out when hard things keep happening
- grasp your God-given destiny and begin walking in it

I struggle with gratitude and this is very timely. It's been timely all year - my church's theme for the year is "this is the year of GENEROSITY" ! Thank you for the 3, easy to implement, suggestions. bward4071@yahoo.com.
Because of issues going on in our life, my husband has been having a very negative attitude. I have been trying to be positive but sometimes it is difficult. That is when I pray hardest. My email is ladyrunerois@gmail.com
Gratitude needs to be practiced every day - it's too easy to become negative and it spreads like wildfire. Thank you for this reminder to be more grateful every day. Thank you for your ministry and heart to help all of us learn to grow closer to our Lord! Cherie K bck4045@hotmail.com
Grateful for my Lord and Savior who generously surrounds me with His love showing me grace love and mercy!
whoops I forgot to leave my email.. tamaralammers@hotmail.com
Thanks Julie for your book offer! Your encouragement regarding overcoming negativity washes my soul. My heart’s takeaway - to practice gratitude in small things.
I started a gratitude journal years ago and gave $1 journals to over 70 women to start their gratitude journal. Unfortunately, I haven’t kept up the habit. Thank you for the reminder and I would love to win a copy of Hot Mess to Blessed! Lately I have been more of the hot mess. Thank you!
I also forgot to leave my email. pamelahain9@gmail.com
I love your encouragement as I'm getting ready for work! Every morning I thank God for today and I will rejoice and be glad in it! God bless! My email is violagirl11@gmail.com
Lots of stuff going on at my house lately. I so appreciate your words of encouragement. Thanking God daily for the good days and seeking His grace in the difficult ones. txrose99@netscape.net
I sooo needed this today! You have such a wonderful way of getting right to the heart of the matter. I am grateful for you and how you speak to my heart and help my soul want to seek God more.
I needed the encouragement so much today, thank you. I have been in one of those mods of being negative and hateful to my family lately.
It’s been a crazy two years, marital issues and now a breast cancer diagnosis,but God continues to be my provider,protector and my encourager! He courses me to see not only the big things to be thankful for but the little things every day when the big things I am still waiting on. My email is dlgenua@gmail.com
It is so easy to get down and negative sometime. I really want to be better and this and make it infectious to the rest of my household. I thank God for your post and the great reminders.
There is no better way to start and end each day than with an attitude of thankfulness.
Thank you for the encouragement! I got off track on my daily blessings journal for a while, but I'm getting back into it. I love keeping my eyes open for God's hand in my life; it makes it easier to show more gratitude.
Really, really good stuff! And yes, despite our efforts to be kind and intentional, the negative stuff just falls out when we are pushed to our limits, or pressed for time, or stressed, etc. Lord, thank you for your grace. Please help us give the same to those that hurt us, rather than hurting them back, or cutting them with unkind words. Gratitude is an attitude!
Enjoy your blog! The applications and action steps are great. Please enter me in The "I'm Thankful for YOU GiveAway"!
Gratitude changes everything, doesn't it?
Julie, I loaned my daughter your book and she loved it! Said she was going to recommend it to her Bible study leader in her church (a very large group that breaks into smaller Bible study groups.) Would love to win a copy for her -- or for our church library if she buys one int the meantime! :)
Yes, Julie, I AM a HOT MESS. HELP! I need to read your book. Thanks for your encouraging words. :)
I believe I am the world's worst to allow negative comments from others take over my life. This would be a great help.
The older I get the more fragmented I fell. Your book sounds like a positive step.
I borrowed this book from someone but it's so good, I want a copy so I can underline! kleehar[at]gmail[dot]com
As a grade school teacher I find my tone sets the tone for my class. This month I am working hard to point out the positives and blessings so that they will notice them too.
Thanks for your words that so many of us can relate to and the suggestions for how we can work on negative thoughts by finding something to be grateful for daily! I struggle with this more than I care to admit! Lynn
Thank you for reminding us that we are not alone and that God doesn't care if we aren't perfect. He loves us unconditionally! We are all hot messes, but as long as we work on it, everything will be alright.
Thank you for the different ideas of how to show gratitude. Sometimes my life is so busy I forget to take time to be grateful and remember all the blessings God gives me. My email is Vengeful_fairie@yahoo.com
Yes I want to practice this more! Thank you!
Thank you for the giveaway. I am struggling mightily with being grateful because a lot of family issues - things that aren’t fair. Situations where I am having to bear the burden or pay a price for the bad and intentional decisions of others. All on top of moving out of state. I’m tired, and tired of being angry and bitter all the time.
Thank you for offering a giveaway!
Love your devotionals!
Would so love to win this book which I’m sure help curb the impulse to be negative which i very easy to do!
I been a pessimistic person most of my life. I need to implement this into my daily life: "Here are 3 simple, specific ways you can practice intentional gratitude:
1. Before your feet hit the floor each the morning, whisper a sentence of gratitude to God.
2. Ask the Lord to help you recognize and notice everyday blessings all throughout your day.
3. Thank those around you for simple gestures. Julie thank you for your devotional posts and this giveaway.
Thank you so much for me these practical reminers that I can begin to use, to start and continue my days in thankfulness! Its so easy and ingrained in me to start and continue in negativity which then leads me very quickly to ungratefulness......
Thank you for the reminder of how our focus at this time of year, especially, should focus on the goodness of the Lord and all that he has done for us. Your insightfulness is a blessing to us and all and keeps us tuned in to Him just a little bit more. calgalsh@aol.com
Love reading your devotions they always seem to be what I need for that day.
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