There’s something about a fresh new year that gives me hope. Stirs my heart. Makes me pray.
As we greet 2018 let’s prayerfully consider our ways, our plans, and our goals. Let’s take a sacred moment—whether that means intentionally setting aside an hour, an afternoon, a day, or even a week—to seek the Lord, asking Him to speak to us and give us ears to hear Him, to direct us, and to lead us afresh in 2018.
There are certainly no lack of options concerning which way we could go, things we could get involved in, and an endless array of new projects (including ourselves!) that we could tackle. But Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted (Psalm 127:1). I have no interest in starting (or continuing) anything that the Lord is not (or no longer) involved in.
Here are some questions I am asking the Lord right now. I pray they will serve as a jumping-off point for you as you seek God and invite Him to lead you and orchestrate all you do and will become this year.
In what area(s) do I need to change and grow?
Are there things (a job/a dream/ a goal/ a relationship/ a bad habit / a thought process…etc.) I should let go?
Are there new things I should embrace?
Should I continue to ______________________?
Please help me with the following decisions___________________________.
Here are the heart issues I am struggling with:_______________________Please bring healing and freedom and godly change in Jesus’s name.
Lord, do You want me to focus on a specific Scripture this year?
Lord, will You guide and direct my thoughts and make them agreeable to Your will? “Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.” (Proverbs 16:3) (AMPC)
A Prayer for 2018
Lord, help me and be with me this year. Bring my heart into alignment with Yours, and help me to grow in wisdom. Give me favor and order my steps. Grant me divine opportunities, divine relationships, and great grace to face all that will happen this year. Give me understanding and discernment, and help me to seek peace and pursue it. Help me to grow in godly character and all the fruits of the Spirit. May I consistently run to You in times of trouble. Help me to forgive, and show me when to speak the truth in love. Father, may Your very real presence increase in my life. May I experience Your unfailing love to a greater degree, and in 2018 may I more accurately reflect Your image daily. In the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

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