A Most Powerful Prayer

Would you like to pray a really powerful prayer--one that will help your life and plans flow more smoothly?

Believe it or not, there is a scripture in the Bible that has turned out to be a life-changer for me. Years ago, as I read through the book of Proverbs, this particular verse caught my attention. I highlighted, underlined, and memorized it. More importantly, I took it to heart. I began to pray this verse over myself and my family, and watched in awe as God moved.

Now please don't get me wrong; I'm not a formula person, and God is not a magic genie for whom we recite particular words and *poof* our dreams materialize. But God does watch over His word to perform it (see Jeremiah 1:12), and His word is living and active, more powerful than a two-edged sword (see Hebrews 4:12).

In other words, the words in the Bible are powerful. And when we pray God's word in faith, our prayers will be, too.

Interested? Here is the scripture that I regularly pray, and that has brought huge change in my life:

Roll your works upon the Lord--He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and so shall your plans be established and succeed. (Proverbs 16:3)

So how, exactly, do we pray scripture? We personalize it. Like this:

Lord, I lift (state your particular issue here) to You and ask you to cause my thoughts to become agreeable to Your will, and then my (example: career, school, vacation, marriage, friendship) plans will be established and succeed.

Don't be afraid to be specific. I've learned that specific prayers often receive specific answers.

When we pray this particular scripture, we're doing several things. We are:
  1. Inviting God into the idea/plan/situation
  2. Asking Him to actually shape our thoughts
  3. Aligning our will with His
  4. Asking God to establish our plans
  5. Requesting favor and success
All from one prayer based on one scripture!

Whether you're a planner or a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type of person, the next time you're making decisions, planning, hoping or dreaming, I hope you'll remember this particular scripture and invite God into the process by praying this most powerful prayer.

Through my books I love to help readers know God, know Scripture, and know how to pray. Click on the images below to learn more about each book.


1 comment:

Melissa Henderson said...

I like to pray before writing. The words flow better after I have given my thoughts to Him and asked for His guidance in writing.

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