fear hits me so hard it takes my breath away. But if I really knew how deeply
you love me, Lord, I would never be afraid, because You are ALWAYS with me, and
Your perfect loves casts out ALL fear.
fear knocks the wind out of me, help me to remember that You are greater, and
You love me. Lord help me not to allow fear to stop me, bully me, or shift
my focus. Help me to know—deep down—how precious I am to You and rest in the
TRUTH that You are greater than fear’s lies.
me not to be afraid but to experience Your love for myself and rest in your
awesome, deep, unshakable peace. Strengthen me heart with Your precious presence and
displace ALL fear. Send Your very real peace and
encouragement to my heart and help me to consistently walk in courage by the
power of Your Holy Spirit.
the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Julie, thank you! This came at just the right time this morning, as I forwarded it on to someone who is struggling with a divorce situation, and she needed to hear this! God's timing is always so perfect!
Thank you Julie. This is THE prayer I have been needing for several weeks and especially today. God always times things to work out and may He continue to bless you - as you are a blessing to many! There is so much pain and fear floating around my house right now and I choose to trust God - but sometimes it's so hard not to be scared. Cherie K
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