God is Inviting You to Be Still and Wait


I confess that patience is not my strong suit. But I am learning that there are times for me to do and times for me to be still. And as much as I want to put my hands on the situation in front of me, I am sensing Your beautiful invitation to be still and rest. Ultimately I trust that You are sovereign and in complete control. 

So Lord, I place my trust and my concerns in Your capable, loving, powerful hands, and I allow my heart to be still. I will breathe in Your peace. And I will rest in You and wait for You. Thank you for filling me with Your peaceful presence as I wait in stillness. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

1 comment:

Nina Ruth Bruno said...

Thank you! You have no idea what confirmation and refreshment you have brought to my soul. Before covid-19. Before George Floyd. The Lord had already told me that he was bringing me into a season of rest and quietness. That it didn't matter what else was going on around me, this was not my time to do or speak. But if I stay in the quietness with him, and take his yoke upon me and learn of him, how Jesus is meek and lowly in heart, I would find rest for my soul there. That this is a season of preparation for me. But then covid-19 happened and George Floyd happened and in all of the clamor of voices around me, I have felt guilty for not joining in the fray.

Thank you for bringing such peace to my heart right now. Reminding me that I am exactly where I am meant to be, that I will never regret finishing out this season with the Lord, and that I can quietly wait.

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