The Hope Chest - Part 2

What are you walking through? Is the current economic situation placing a strangle-hold on your family's budget? Are you facing a terminal illness? Have your kids been sucked into the vortex of a shameless, entitlement-driven, immoral culture? Is your marriage on the brink of collapse?

I know people in every one of these situations.

Satan uses the negative circumstances in our lives to steal our hope. When things look really, really bad for us, we would do well to remember Abraham. Romans 4:18 says, “For Abraham, human reason for hope being gone, hoped on in faith…” Abraham was an old man. Verse 19 goes on to tell us that his body was as good as dead.

Amazingly, Abraham faced the facts but refused to give up his hope. In fact, his faith to father a child actually increased, in spite of the fact that his own body was useless. Romans 4:20 goes on to say, “No unbelief or distrust made him waver or doubtingly question concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God. (vv.21)…He was fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised.”

When we’re bombarded by doubt, we mustn’t allow mere facts to dilute our hope.

How do we accomplish this? Instead of being imprisoned by hopelessness, God desires for us to become a different type of prisoner. Zechariah 9:12 says, “Turn you to the stronghold of security and prosperity, you prisoners of hope…” A prisoner of hope is captured by the Lord and dwells in the impenetrable stronghold of His hope.

Whatever you're walking through, know this: God wants you to hold on to hope. His hand is not too short. He is at work in spite of how awful things might look. So take courage; stand firm and hold fast. Dare to dream the dreams and hope for the things that He has tenderly placed inside your hope chest.


Joyful said...

Beautiful post Julie. I needed to be reminded today to hold on to hope. Thank you for being used to speak to my heart.

Angela said...

Wonderful thoughts here- I love coming and being uplifted!

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

It is good to know that my hope rests in God. Circumstances can constantly change. But like Paul, I need to learn to say that I can be content because I know my hope is in God.

Anonymous said...

Life has been so crazy so it's been a while since I checked in. God's timing is so perfect! Your lessons about hope was a remedy to my thought life lately! Thanks for sharing what God is teaching you.


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