When life heaves wild events my way and feels more like a violent meteor storm than the placid existence for which I long, I run to the fortress of the Lord. I have set my face like flint and intend to pursue the Lord and His plans for me, my family and my writing for this new year. I'm regrouping with prayer, rest, time in God's presence, and a Holy Ghost determination to fulfill His plans for me this year. Particularly in the area of writing.
On the practical side, this means rising early to get in three hours of writing - before home schooling, chores, errands, and commitments impede coherent thought. I'm not an early riser by nature, so it's a sacrifice that costs.
On the spiritual side, this means dwelling in the secret place of the Almighty, listening carefully for the voice of God in an effort to be a good steward of the gifts He has given. It means taking step after step in faith, going through the doors which He alone is able to open. It means trusting Him, leaning on Him and walking with Him - every minute of every day.
How about YOU? What goals do you have for writing (or life) this year? What obstacles are you facing - and how do you deal with them?
Welcome back, Julie. Your 2009 comes with a big Bang. May you have a peaceful remainder of the year. As always, your writing is awesome.
P.S. I hope to see you at the park on Wednesday. We're meeting at the other park.
Well, trying to work on a 3rd manuscript and considering self-publishing at this point. I would love any tips that you have. After so much rejection, it's hard to find my "want to." I'm exhausted. Christmas and 4 kids and ministry life with hubby has left me little room for much else; thus, my gloomy look on the frontside of such an undertaking.
My confidence has taken a few hits, but I'm going to keep working on things until I feel God's Spirit prompt me otherwise.
Glad for your safe return. And you homeschool too? You win the prize. I concede defeat!
God bless your early mornings with a rich sense of his presence alongside, guiding your thoughts and pen as you tarry.
Gracious Julie, you've had a time! I hope things have calmed down and you are glad to be home.
My writing goals for 2009 are to write a devotional book. That's it. Publication will be up to God, my job is to write it.
Okay, I was exhausted just reading that list. Julie, you are a continual inspiration to me. I'm glad God introduced us.
Okay, so you are getting up early to write for 3 hours. Wow. bless you. I want to do that but I already get up at 4:45 so that I can get in bible time and prayer time with my husband before making lunches and getting our son off to school etc. Hmmm, I'll have to think about this. I've been trying to pen down a good writing time and haven't been successful yet. It's been hit and miss.
Thanks for reminding me to stop bloggin and jump into the scriptures right now! You are so inspiring me. It is only 6.29 and that is my quite time- but I have got to put that time aside for the higher things!
Welcome back!
I know God has great things in store for you this year. (Look at the bright side: these last few weeks He's certainly stocked your pantry to overflowing with writing ideas!)
I've been away from the blogosphere and it's so nice to stop by for a visit.
I pray that amid the settling chaos you hear His voice and follow His call, especially in your writing.
Be well, my friend,
Hi Julie,
What a start to your year! I smiled and completely agree about the wonder that is chocolate (dark, please) and Benadryl. And, of course, the wonder of our God, whose glory can never be described or comprehended.
My writing goals? I just keep pluggin' along, I guess. So much is not up to me anymore, but in God's hands. This worrywart finds a great deal of peace in that, no matter what He decides to do with my lowly words.
God bless you on this Friday. It was -9 degrees here this morning. I'm guessing that does not make you homesick, dear Julie. ;)
What a blessing it must be that in the midst of ALL that's going on you still have a sense of humour and you're still praising God!
You're an inspiration. :)
My writing goals for this year are unclear. I've pulled away from fulltime writing. I'm praying for the opportunity to write and speak my passions only for 2009. I can no longer strive and do the steps that are recommended for building my "platform." My path may look slower this year, but I trust God will give me strength to do what He sets before me.
So I wait!
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