My astute husband scored major brownie points a few years ago when he gave me the perfect gift: a wooden, velvet-lined treasure box he lovingly filled with my favorite chocolates.
I nearly swooned.
He then told me this was my chocolate, and nobody in the house would touch it. Considering that my normal stash consisted of Ghirardelli chocolate chips in the pantry--which routinely disappeared long before I'd had my fair share--this was monumental.
My delightful treasure chest sits on a small table right next to my bedroom chair. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, a reward, some motivation, or (ahem) the nutritional, scientifically proven benefits of a chocolate boost, you'll find me poking through my treasure chest. With a smile.
The best part of my treasure chest is my hubby keeps it filled for me. That's right--I know where my chocolate is, I know it's always there, and I know it's all mine.
What more could a girl want?
Before you longingly sigh and run out to buy your own treasure chest and stuff it with your favorite chocolates (cuz you aren't getting mine), know this: Jesus is our real treasure. Though He is definitely not in a box, we know He is near, we know He is always there, and we know He's all ours.
The best part is, He always keeps us filled.
What more could any girl want?
"My whole being shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips." ~ Psalm 63:5
Jesus is the real treasure Julie but He doesn't want us to keep Him in a box. We are supposed to share: )
How 'sweet' of your husband. A box like that would be dangerous in my house. There are a lot of chocolate fans here. I would need a pick me up often. What's your favorite?
Thanks for your prayer. I read in agreement for all of us. I can't wait to see your work published and on the shelf in Lifeway bookstores! Sounds like a future chocolate moment. Blessings, Barbara
Sounds like you have 3 treasures...Jesus, the chocolate box, and your sweet husband.
Hi Julie,
You are so talented...I loved your post and the newsletter. Thank you is so trite..but really Thank you very much for your prayers.
Have a great week,
Sounds like you have a keeper! Both hubby and chocolate! Great reminder about Jesus being our real pick-me-up! Glad to hear that your daughter is home and everything is going well!
What more could a girl want ... exactly.
Blessings from this broken pot,
Sarah Dawn
A girl who has it all...what more could you ask for :)
Praise the Lord! What an awesome thing.
Love the idea of a spiritual application for chocolate ...
Julie, I'm a chocolate lover, too. A few weeks ago while on vacation I bought some Harry & David dark chocolate truffles. They are my absolute favorite truffles -- so far :) My supply is about to run out -- whatever will I do? Probably cry! :)
I am fainting from your husband's lovely gift. And the fact that he keeps it filled....... ! WOW. Major kudos to your husband from me. :O)
This is so sweet. No pun intended... :-)
I think it is special that your husband not only got you the treasure box, but that he keeps it filled! That is a very nice gesture.
I'm with you on the chocolate.
All the way.
And with Him.
Sometimes, when His name is on my lips.
I don't even think about the substance made from cocoa.
Sweet dreams.
You have an awesome husband:)
Hi Julie,
I saw your name on someone's blog for the writer's encouragement...that is so cool. What a fun blog you have...I like the way you write.
Debbie Giese
She Speaks Eval Group 2009
Hi Julie, you are indeed blessed. I am a single parent, but I should say I too am blessed with my little boy pampering me. I hope when he grows up and meet his other half he will have as good a relationship as you do ... chocolates and all.
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