Pursuing your dream will make you feel the same way.
I can't tell you the number of people I've encountered who, when they discover I'm a writer, tell me they have a book inside them, too. When I ask them what they're doing to pursue their dream of writing a book, I'm usually met with a shrug. They fail to understand that dreams don't come to fruition without fierce effort.
Whether we want to write, dance, figure-skate, start our own business, or start a diet, we all have to work hard, and work our way up. We all have to pay our dues.
If you've ever watched American Idol, you've probably cringed when someone stands before the judges and mutilates a song. That person has a dream, but they lack the talent or the discipline (or both) to take it to the next level.
Yet we're all thrilled when someone's voice gives us goosebumps. What we should realize is that usually many years of training, practice and hard work have made that person's voice a thing of beauty.
It's the same with our dreams. Pursuing our dream requires hard work, perseverance and:
- Focus - In a culture that values multi-tasking, single-minded focus enables us to keep making progress when others veer off the path.
- Goals - Establishing realistic yet challenging goals from the beginning keeps us motivated and helps us to see our progress and adjust our course if necessary.
- Diligence - Unfortunately, the world is filled with slackers. Applying ourselves with steady, careful effort yields excellence--a trait that makes us stand out.
- Time - There are no short cuts to a dream; every dream takes time to come to fruition. If we are wise, we will use this time to learn, study, and practice, practice, practice.
- Passion - The foundation of every dream is passion. Do you love what you're doing? Pursuing your dream should excite and energize you.
- Prayer - The most important component to every dream is soaking it with our prayers every step of the way. When we submit our dreams to God, He equips us, opens doors, and gives us grace when the going gets tough.
A dream is only a wish until we do something about it. Yes, dreams are free, but we always have to do our part. How about you? What hard goal are you working toward?

Aww, this is a good one, Julie. I have been a slacker lately on my dream. Thanks for the reality check for me. Blessings**
Great post, Julie -- so true. I'm always working towards publication and have been blessed to see my work published in various ways. Still no book yet, but I'm working on it! :)
My husband and I are working to get our lives back after the economy blow--he is in college now and our dream is to make it a year and then hopefully some day be passionate about what we do together as a career.
My dream is to get the agent I want:)
This is so true. I've gotten off track with my dreams because I've allowed discouragement and fatigue to settle in. Thank you for the gentle push and reminder that all dreams require work and time and passion. I appreciate you and the words you pen.
Well said Julie. I appreciate this post. I have been learning diligence and passion this year as my committment to writing developes. This is one to print off and read over and over.
Stepping out requires a lot of faith, energy, and hard work. I love your post. Challenges don't end when we accept the call. They are just beginning. Blessings!
A friend once told me about how he stays up until midnight (and sometimes 2 AM) every night working on projects that he is passionate about, while maintaining his 'day job'. But the result is that he has become the leader of something pretty special that is impacting people around the world.
You know me Julie... But I also have some projects that I am passionate about, and dreams that I am working to fulfill, and I often use that perspective as my benchmark.
Thanks for the reminder, and challenge! And I'm blessed to witness the great work that He's doing with you right now!
You always sharpen me and challenge me! Thanks dear friend. Congratulations on the contract. I can't wait to hear more about it. I had surgery about 4 weeks ago and am getting back to the bible study now. I need to complete the edits by this weekend and get it back to WinePress. My enthusiasm kind of wained in the wait, but I'm getting excited now. I used a pilot/focus group too and that was very helpful. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement.
Beautiful site and post, Julie! This post rings so true with me. I vacilate so often between joy and despair. Those wrestlings between flesh and spirit! My dream of publication will be met with much time, effort and most of all, prayer!! Thanks for this timely piece.
Also wanted to say thanks for stopping by Life Lessons! I post Mondays & Thursdays and would be honored should you choose to become a follower/friend! God bless you richly!
Thanks for the reminder and encouragement from this post. Right now I am working slowly toward my dream of speaking to women's groups about how God can be the one to fill there needs, not the world. It does take hard work but that make the goal is more special when we reach it.
I'm bathing in prayers right now about which agent to pursue, when...the whole deal.
Bathing in God's direction...waiting for it.
~ Wendy
I love this post! As a convert to the "buck up little camper" school of life, I have personally seen the rewards of hard work, discipline and perseverance. It's so true that those who achieve the greatest success aren't "lucky" they are driven and purposeful.
I sure wish I'd apply this attitude to all areas of my life!!
Thanks Julie for these good thoughts. I love stopping by here to soak in your words.
What's new with your writing?
Thanks for the reality check for me. Blessings
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