Oh God,
Thank you for a fresh new year--a time to evaluate our work, our relationships, our attitudes, our very lives. Thank you for Your goodness and faithfulness. Thank you for your unfailing love!
Please grant us courageous, willing, humble, and worshiping hearts. Bring freedom where it's needed, joy for the journey, and give us ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to us.
Make our homes sanctuaries that cherish Your presence and exude Your light. Fill and flood us with Your love, and enable us to walk in love in every situation. Give us Your love for people.
Please make us ready--prepare us--for the things ahead. Give us pure motives, wisdom, insight, understanding and discernment. Help us to always trust You, regardless of how things appear.
Strengthen and equip us for the work you've called us to do. Grant divine appointments, divine friendships, and divine opportunities. Place into our hands the materials You want us to have in 2011: CD's, books, DVD's, music, and any other material You desire.
Most of all, make Yourself real to us. Draw us close to You and make us more like You. Change us from glory to glory until our images shimmer Jesus' reflection. Be utterly glorified in our lives.
In the wonderful name of Jesus, Amen.

Thank you for that prayer...It says it all....
Beautiful prayer Julie, and thank you.
Hi Julie,
Happy New Year, and I hope you had a blessed Christmas.
I love your prayer, beautiful and spoke to my heart, these words especially;
"Strengthen and equip us for the work you've called us to do"
A wonderful prayer, Julie. Echoes so many of my desires, too. Especially like the paragraph beginning with "Make our homes sanctuaries...". Good stuff. Blessings to you in 2011!
Thank you for the thoughtful prayer.
Julie, thank you for that wonderful New Year prayer. Blessings to you and your family.
I am your newest follower and look forward to joining you on the journey!
Many Blessings,
Beautiful prayer, Julie.
I hope 2011 brings God's best to you!
Happy New Year, Julie!
Amen and Amen!
Thank you for sharing this, Julie. Blessings in 2011!
Thanks for being one of my first friends on my blog since switching to WP.
I'm still praying about my words.
Your e-mail is still in my box and I reread it. :) Thanks!
I pray your year is wonderful!!
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