Dare to Believe

You must do the thing you think you cannot do - Eleanor Roosevelt

I wonder how many great things have never been accomplished because fear, insecurity, or a lack of confidence prevented someone from even trying?

I believe that every one of us has a God-sized dream tucked deep within our hearts. But when that strong yearning cries out to be fulfilled, are we willing to consider it? Do we dare to think and dream we could actually do the very thing that is seemingly impossible? Or do we sigh, shrink back, and say "I could never..."

As I continue working on my book on prayer for women, I frequently feel astonished at all God has accomplished. I'm doing the very thing I thought I couldn't do. But it all started with a dream--a dream that a broken woman with no formal education dared to believe.

Yes, I've had moments of doubt. And yes, I've been scared. But ultimately, when I considered God's ability, my feeble fears and insecurities didn't stand a chance. Job 42:2 says it well, and I agree completely: I know that You can do all things, and that no thought or purpose of Yours can be restrained or thwarted.

If you've got a dream bursting at the seams of your heart, I dare you to believe that with God, nothing is impossible.

Consider that God used a mere boy (the future King David) to slay a giant twice his size. (See 1 Samuel 17:4)

Consider that God's power burst down from heaven and supernaturally changed Saul's murderous heart in a moment. (See Acts 9)

Consider that God enabled a donkey to speak (See Numbers 22:28), used Gideon, the least in his father's house, to destroy an army (See Judges 6), and enabled Peter to walk on water (See Matthew 14:22-23).

Sweet friends, God is waiting for you to believe Him and believe in your dream! I encourage you to link arms with the One through whom all things are possible, and do the thing you think you cannot do. Then share it with me here. What "impossible" thing are you working on or do you long to attempt?


Cheryl Barker said...

I'm working on a book project but am not quite ready to pitch it yet. In today's publishing world, it can feel almost impossible to break in, but like you said, nothing is impossible with God. Will just keep working and see what God brings about. All the best to you as you finish your book, Julie!

Unknown said...

I have had a couple of things in the back of my mind that I want to do but have doubted myself. I would love to write kids books. I am going to keep my notes going and leave it in God's hands. Can't wait to see your book when you are done.

Paige said...

Yes! What a great reminder and I needed it today. Thanks for posting this.

Karen said...

Julie such encouraging words. Thank you. I think you know what mine would be. :) Haven't worked on it much this year. So much care-taking and working. But hey, that's just an excuse, right?

Kristen said...

Oh, this is the recent theme of my heart. It is a struggle, to believe that we are capable of doing something that seems so far-fetched, but not a stretch to believe that God can. I want to write fiction, but struggle to believe that it is more than a hobby and give myself any credibility. Thanks for this post, and I love the quote.

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