Practically, this means I've given up something that I've adored, enjoyed, and look forward to daily. Something I honestly thought I could never live without.
Intrinsically, I understand this road will somehow lead me nearer to Jesus, closer to His heart. And though I don't understand it all at this point, nor do I know how long this surrender will last, I'm willing to trust and obey.
I hope to write more about this journey into unknown territory next week. But for now, tell me--is God asking you to surrender anything? Are you willing to walk a road that may not be easy, but will surely take you nearer to Him?
Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise, sensible, intelligent people; Making the very most of the time--buying up each opportunity--because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is. (Ephesians 5:15-17)
Photo taken in my neighborhood, by me.
Par-a-llel. Nuff said.
Julie, I love how you share your heart. Those verses...not just knowing but "grasping" doing the will of God. Yes, there is always something the Lord is working on with me. Thanks for those encouraging words.
I am interested in this new journey of yours. God has been calling me to accept simple living and learning to live without some of the things I refuse to give up. Obedience would be a good word for me.
I'm being called and "worked on" (some intense molding) to let go of my pride - even things the people around me tell me I should be proud of. To take my place as second to Him instead of trying to make my world revolved around me.
I feel like I too am on a road of "giving up" things...and not sure the reason or where it will lead. Six month ago my husband I decided to downsize considerably and move near our 9 small grandchildren, to help out their moms. We sold or gave away about 2/3's of all our possessions and moved into a little 930 square foot, 80 year old house. We love it! Then 3 months ago I felt led to start eating gluten free in order to feel better. Then last month I felt led to give up daily caffeine--my sweet, dear friend, coffee....Once the painful headaches stopped, it was great! Now I am looking for what is next to give up. It is actually exhilarating to bring self discipline and simplicity into your life--in the midst of it being scary....
I love the way you hear God and obey His calling...even when it doesn't make sense. I look forward to hearing more about this adventure.
I feel like right now I'm kind of waiting for God to call me into something. Just not sure right now what that is.
Blessings, my friend,
You listen well, Julie.
I feel like God is asking me to surrender my dreams to pursue HIS dreams for me...which shouldn't be so hard since every time I do this, He gives me something better than what I could have dreamed up for myself. But, for some reason, this kind of surrender is hard. Definately a refining process. Very interested in hearing about your journey!!
Oh Janice,
You are my hero! I love how you've gotten rid of all the excess in your life! :-)
I would love to downsize, but with our 22 year old still at home and a 16 year old yet to graduate, it's not quite time. I'm actually looking forward to getting a small house one day.
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