Hi Sweet
Bloggy Friends,
high-tailing it from one coast of our country to another to enjoy our son’s
wedding, (that's my hubby and me on the big day!) I’m in full-throttle prep mode for two upcoming publishing
conferences. The moment I return from those I’ll be packing our teen daughter
off for a 10-day mission trip.
And then I’m
hoping I can schedule something like, oh, breathing. Breathing would be good.
In the
meantime, I’m relying on God’s grace and feel grateful, very grateful, for the
opportunities He has given me.
I’d like to
know what you’re up to this summer. Are you vacationing? Laying out by the
pool? Reading lots and lots of books?
Leave me a comment letting me know your summer plans for a chance to win a $10 Starbucks gift card, straight from my heart to yours. Because I appreciate you, and nothing says Happy Summer like a tall, cool drink from Starbucks.
Leave me a comment letting me know your summer plans for a chance to win a $10 Starbucks gift card, straight from my heart to yours. Because I appreciate you, and nothing says Happy Summer like a tall, cool drink from Starbucks.

Julie, we are planning a trip to the Tetons and Yellowstone National Park. Am so excited. We've never been there before and can't wait to see that gorgeous part of our country. Hope you get to take a breath soon!! :)
We are now headed for Ohio and then pray we get a load to go to the state of Washington to see friends there..She is fighting M S and at time wants to die, because of the kind of live she has now. Her husband and son are truckers from Wash. to Pa. every week. love you. God bless.
I am ghostwriting a love story and going to two critique groups for feedback on it. One critique group meets once a week, and the other every two weeks. I am trying to write one chapter per week and get two pieces of feedback on each. So, I have to be very focused to stay on track.
Enjoy your conferences and missions trip!
This summer I've already been super busy with the Lords plans! Learned beginning ASL to prepare for a little boy whose Deaf and an orphan from another country , who is spending the summer with our family.. And in between that my oldest daughter and I had the privilege of visiting Honduras for a mission trip and seeing how amazing is our God and His work over there, and upon returning and our boy arriving the opportunity to take him to a Deaf camp and be apart a great group of new creative friends! It's been busy!! So that's what I've been up to! Enjoy your summer! Love your blogs!
Just returned from a week of R & R in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, in a lovely cottage on Lost Lake where the order of the day was swimming, water skiing & tubing, and lots of relaxing. Now preparing for a graduation party to celebrate our son's recent college graduation. Then comes VBS where I sing with the children and share my love of the Lord. Oh, and a trip to a big water park in Wisconsin Dells this Friday (Noah's Ark) with my youngest son and three of his friends. Congratulations to your son and your new daughter-in-law! Many blessings to you all as you join families and share your lives.
Welcome home, sweet Julie! Hope you'll be posting about the wedding soon, after you've taken a breather :)
Have a great time at She Speaks!
We have 10 grandkids under the age of 7 years, and we are trying to do something one on one with each of them (that is not still in diapers!) this summer. We have so far taken little trips with 4 of them...but have more to go! ha!
Congratulations Julie! We finished VBS and celebrated my Gma's 90th B-day and now we will be doing some camping with our boys. :) Good times, Love, Hester ;)
I went on my FIRST ever MISSION TRIP at 33! It was to honduras- and it was life changing!
Our mission group came back and was burdened to help build a church for this small village we visited there.
The cost is 15,000 and the Lord has already provided 11,000 in 3 short weeks since we have been back!
so My summer has been awesome!!! Love your blogs, they give me so much encouragement!!!!
HI Julie~
No need to enter me for the Starbucks card. :)
Just wanted to say I pray that She Speaks was a real blessing to you this weekend. Sure wish I could have been there to meet you in person and give you a big hug...but I asked Jill to do so. ;)
Our summer is flying by. This month: reunions!! And it's such a blessing to have and be with family!
Happy Summer Breathing to you...soon!
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