Do you have a
dream exploding on the inside of you? Have you thought about what it might take
to make that dream a reality?
Yes, I
believe that God is the author of (most of) our dreams. But that doesn’t mean
that we simply wait expectantly for Him to accomplish everything. If that were
the case, we’d never have to lift a finger. Pursuing our God-given dreams is
nothing short of hard work.
If your dream
hasn’t happened yet, here are what I consider the most important steps in pursuing
your dream:
1. Pray – Before you begin anything, ask for the
ability to clearly perceive God’s will regarding your dream. Be certain He is leading you. Ask for wisdom to
understand which steps to take next, and when to take them. Then, ask God specifically to equip you for His plans and purposes
and for grace to not only begin well, but end well.
3. Get Equipped – Get informed about the subject of your dream. As you are able, spend time learning at conferences and workshops, read as much as you can, study and absorb, then begin to practice what you’ve learned. Practice a lot. Get feedback from trusted professionals and strive to improve.
4. Start small – Dip your toe in the water to see whether or not you’ve got what it takes. Yes, we risk awkwardness or outright embarrassment. But we could also discover the beauty and satisfaction of taking the first steps in our calling. Remember, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…”(Zechariah 4:10)
5. Be diligent – Work steadily, earnestly, and energetically. Strive to make progress. Be prepared to do your part when the opportunity arises and God opens doors for you. Do your absolute best and leave the results in God’s hands.
6. Don’t give up – Often our timing and God’s timing are radically different. After six months of submitting articles to various publications, I had nothing to show for it. Frustrated, I prayed about it, and I sensed God saying “Don’t grow weary in well-doing.” (Galatians 6:9). Just two weeks later I received my first acceptance. Perseverance pays off!
I’ve learned
that a dream unfolds slowly—one obedient step at a time. As we prayerfully do
our part and trust God to do His, our dreams will begin to materialize.
Leave me a
prayer comment—a prayer for your dream—whether your dream is just starting or
you’ve been pursuing it for a long time. I’ll join you in praying that God will
orchestrate your dreams and equip you with His grace.

Good advice, Julie, and so glad you included Zech 4:10. I hang my hat on that verse a lot :)
My life has been pretty much at a stand still for the last year. Things have come against me that were not of my "own" doing. But even through it all, I believe, I've been hearing God say "Write again". I'm not sure if a book is in the future or what God has in mind, but its been a dream of mine for awhile.
Thank you for joining me in prayer
Lord, help me to continue to follow your leading and to persevere and "finish the work" as I hope and dream for publication of my book one day. It's in your hands, Lord, and I want your will alone. Thank you, Lord, for bringing about your will.
Thank you so much for this! I actually have a dream that of speaking to/mentoring young/teenage girls that God has given me visions about. However, I feel like I am stuck now, as I'm not sure what my next step in accomplishing my dream should be. This has been a huge dream of mine for some time now and cannot wait to be able to do God's work.
Thanks so much for your time and prayers :)
Please pray for the fruition of my three books: Fading Light, Heavenly Light and Traveling Light. They are all books in which God has sustained me through difficult circumstances. Thank you
My dream is two fold one is immediate - to have enough money to pay bills for the next 2 months and with that that my husband would get more jobs - he is self employed. My second is that soon we would be debt free from loans and taxes that have become liens. Then we would only have our home to pay for. My husband had a stroke a few months back after having a quad bypass and recently God has answered prayers I have been praying for years. He now understands the importance of tithing and managing money! Thanks for your prayers - Jane
Thank you for these very practical tips Julie! I'm trying to implement them myself. ;)
Love, Hester ;)
Your words are an encouragement to a weary soul tonight. Thank you for being faithful to God's calling in your life.
Thank you for your encouraging words. Many of your articles have been very helpful to me lately! My husband's dream is to be a mechanic and have his own business and he is slowly working towards that. As for me I'm not sure. I've been praying for God to guide me and show me what he wants me to do, and I just feel unsure. Please pray for direction for me. I'm currently working on battling lots of anxiety and fear, so it has put a damper on me moving forward, but I trust in the Lord and how he is working in my life.
Thanks again!
Father, You have place in our hearts a desire to reach out to, help and encourage others with chemical sensitivities. Open our eyes to the path You want us to travel. Show us the dream You have for us and not just what we think You have for us. Give us ears to listen for You voice. In Jesus' name, amen
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