When our lives take a sharp turn in a direction
we didn’t see coming, it’s normal to not only feel like a hot mess (hello? we’re
all human), but like our lives have been interrupted by forces over which we
have no control. It can feel like our circumstances own us, and we are helpless
victims of a tragic scene that just keeps rolling the wrong way.
The enemy wants us to feel defeated, deeply
discouraged, and hopeless. But we don’t have to let that happen!
Here are three practical things you can do starting today, and they’re all FREE!
First, we must remember that God is sovereign. Always. Psalm 31:15 says “My times are in Your hands…” Because the
Lord is sovereign we can be assured that God’s purposes will always prevail for
us…even if it looks nothing like we imagined. He will ultimately work out His
plans as we trust Him.
Second, we can pray. We must pray. Our prayers are
powerful and effective (see James 5:16), and God uses our prayers to accomplish
His purposes. So when the unexpected, undesired, or unwelcome rudely intrudes,
we can cry out to God, knowing He always, always hears us (Psalm 116:2).
Lastly, we must ask God to gird our hearts and hold us in His
supernatural peace. This happens when we choose not to focus on
and worry about our circumstances, but pray, tell Him our needs, and remain
grateful. God’s peace and presence make all the difference. It eases and relieves
and refreshes our souls, smack in the middle of our hardest moments.
Let’s Pray Together:
Lord, when difficult circumstances hit hard,
help me to face my current reality with my hand firmly gripping Yours. Help me
not to entertain defeat, discouragement, or hopelessness. Help me not to wish
for a life of ease. Instead, enable me, when I am tempted to quit, to believe
that You are at work behind the scenes and that You will strengthen me and
harden me to difficulties. I commit my current situation into Your faithful hands, Lord. I believe that my times are
in Your hands. Thank you for strengthening my heart and filling me with Your
supernatural peace as I choose to believe that You truly do work all things for
my good. God intervene in my situation as only You can, and work all things for
good, because I love you! In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
GIVEAWAY! I’m giving away TWO signed copies of my new book, “From Hot Mess to
Blessed” to ONE lucky winner (perfect for you and a friend! You can do a study together!) TO ENTER: Leave a comment that includes
your email (so I can notify you if you win). Sorry, open only to
residents of continental U.S. Randomly chosen winner will be notified via email by Tuesday, October 3.
Reading this via email? CLICK HERE to visit my
blog and leave a comment.

Want to become more and more aware and in tune to the promise that God is always in control no matter the situation
Want to keep God in control.
Amen! This reminds me of road signs- when you miss a turn or an exit the road signs help you get back on track!
Yes, Abba Father, please help me to cling to Your Precious Nail pierced hands and not give in to defeat, discouragement or hopelessness.
He is faithful. May I be faithful.
I realize that you primarily minister to woman, but as a man I also go through many of the things that you talk about. Thank you for your insightfulness and encouraging words. I look forward to receiving your emails and writings.
Thank you for your prayers...I recently made a friend , a 79-year-old widow who is losing her home, despite being a faithful believer for many years ...I myself seem to have accumulated debt which I am trying to resolve.... I am printing up the prayers you posted today I know that Jesus and prayer will help us through these hard times ..easpecia@optonline.net
Would be perfect for me to do with a friend - she is going through the transition from being a hot mess to totally blessed and I, along with her church family am doing all we can to encourage and help her along the way! :-) (Lmeyers@nhsonline.org)
Thank you for this prayer today; it came at a perfect time. I am currently dealing with relief efforts going on for my home island of st croix in the united states virgin islands which got devastated by a category 5 hurricane Maria. My mom's home island of Puerto Rico suffered a great beating, too. Thanks again for the prayer and the opportunity to win this book; hope I win:). This book would be so helpful!!
There are many that come to my mind when I consider doing a bible study with this book. I have a wavering sister that I've been praying for, my daughters that are dealing with the daily struggles in life, and friends that can would pray and encourage each other - the ripples being far reaching.
I am always encouraged by your messages and love sharing them with others. Thank you for your witness.
Encouraging post! Thank you!
I am going to share your blog with our grown son who is going through major marriage problems, your prayers are wonderful and say so much.
Thank you Julie! This message touched me today in all that I'm dealing with. I'm the caregiver for my husband and mother, while working full time at a local college. I try to be a blessing to all whose paths I cross daily. Philippians 3:14 keeps me encouraged! God bless you! (cdarms01@gmail.com)
I personally experienced the storm of Harvey and continue to experience storms in my life. Fortunately my home and belongings were spared (I just had to evacuate for several days), but I have moved north. Now I face big personal decisions, which prove especially hard to make in a state of depression and anguish. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers.
I find so much comfort in your prayers on FB and your blog. Thank you for sharing the wisdom God has placed in you - the timing is so perfect for me. I really look forward to reading this book! dashey66@gmail.com
It is an only God thing, the right messages come to my email when I need them most.I'm looking forward to reading this book!
Walking thru so much today -- just got blindsided. Your email was right on time for me. I am believing to come out of this hot mess. Thank you for your obedience in sharing with us. michelineprescott@gmail.com
Seems like when I think storms in my life and calming down another one hits lately. I find it so hard sometime to not get down and out. But have to reassure myself that I have to let the Lord comfort and guide me. Looking forward to what your books has to speak to my heart. tamboenglish@gmail.com
Very timely message. Hurricane Harvey delayed my Mom's chemotherapy treatments for lung cancer, so I felt myself starting to despair a little. Thanks for the encouragement. timmegart@gmail.com
I have many health issues related to ulcerative colitis and autoimmune disease and the meds were $400 a month and I couldn't afford that...I suffered for a couple of years and continued to pray for healing or relief...and 3 years later God led me to a combination of oil pulling and extra Vitamin D and this set me in a remission that has lasted over a year. I feel that when we are at our most hopeless and vulnerable is when we are really open to His Goodness. forgot the email...tallulahjane65(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thank you for the encouragement. I have a friend going through treatment for cancer who I feel led to share this with. She is experiencing a lot of fear and worry. Grateful for seeing this when I did. Thanks, Lynette usmcmama@comcast.net
The timing of this can only be tied to Jesus. We lost 2 family members this week unexpectedly, a cousin on my Dad's side and my husband's grandma, and then my sister and her family were evacuated last night from the fires. It has felt like a roller coaster of heavy emotion & pain. But through it all, God has brought light and grace and strength to us all to keep moving.. one step at a time
Thank you for this post, blog and email today! Much appreciated! May God continue to work within with all!
Thank you for the opportunity. stephaniesstephens@gmail.com
I'm in....could really use the resource!
Trdunner@gmail.com--Thank you for this beautiful post. It has blessed my soul!
This is a book I could use. Thanks for the giveaway. My email address is soarndove@yahoo.com
God's love is unwavering. When times seem to be changing and end isn't near-- that's when HE steps in and pour our blessings upon blessings. We have to stay prayed up and always remember God's unchanging hand.
Thank you for this prayer. It really does hit home. I do believe this book would be a wonderful book to read and re-read! Cherie K. @ bck4045@hotmail.com
Thank you for the three practical reminders! Blessings as you continue to work for His Kingdom! suedar06@comcast.net
This sounds perfect for my friend and I to go through together! Thanks so much for your prayer and all you do!
I needed to hear those three reminders this week! Thank you! augustasec@yahoo.com
Thank-you for this post.HOPE... exactly what I needed a great reminder. mulderheather5@gmail.com
Thank you for this chance! My friend and I would get so much out of this book. We work 10 hours all week long and things have such a mess and so stressful lately. It is so amazing how God puts things in my path as reminders all the time of His love. God Bless!!
P.S. Forgot my email address: tdnewman@mail.com
Loved your post. Thanks for the givaway. dlpc2005@yahoo.com
Both my best friend and I could really benefit from this wonderful book. My friend is going through tough patches with family illnesses and disagreements and I am going through transitioning to working 2 part time jobs. cjensmile@gmail.com
Needed this reminder today! jennk.maddox@gmail.com
I'm excited to read this! What a blessing! 23braves@gmail.com
I would love to win the book, From Hot Mess to Blessed...... my email is Lynda.guinnee@hotmail.com
I feel that I am always on the go and don't slow down. I hope that God will help me slow down.
Sherri J
My life is a mess! Would really love to win a copy! angie.blevins@gmail.com
Thank you for your encouraging words. I have your book "Payers for A Woman's Soul". Would enjoy having this one also. My email: omarandjanice@yahoo.com
Lost from daddy unexpected on the 12th of November and am in that spot that you don't see coming. Very rough time for me I was very close to him and just feel alone. Could use this book to try and reorganize my life. tamboenglish@gmail.com
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