He Fights For You #CalmHeart

When the unexpected and undesired hits hard, I don't always handle it well, at least initially. But that's okay, because I'm human, and so are you. 

And sometimes our minds go where they shouldn't and need realigning. Through God's grace and prayer we can regain our emotional and spiritual footing, and remember that we don't have to fight every battle alone. When we ask, God fights for us. What a relief! All He asks is for us to remain calm. 


Lord, when circumstances make me quake on the inside and I am tempted to have an emotional meltdown, will you please help me to remain calm and trust You, instead? Please enable me to realign my mind with truth and regain my emotional and spiritual footing. I am thankful that even when worst-case scenarios play out, whether in real life or in my mind, I can trust You to handle what I cannot. Thank you that I am never alone. Thank you for always fighting for me. God You are my Rock, my Fortress, and my defense. Please give me grace to resist anxiety, rest in this amazing truth, and just stay calm. In Jesus’s awesome name, amen.

The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” (Exodus 14:14)

Find more heart-calming prayers in Julie’s new book, Prayers to Calm Your Anxious Heart:100 Reassuring Devotions.  Available wherever books are sold.

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