Hi Sweet Friends,
Grab a cup of something warm and delicious to drink and join me for a three and a half minute chat on how to feel closer to God. It's my first video blog ever, and it only took me a dozen tries. *sigh*
If I knew how to post a video excerpt, I'd show the part where my large, black kitty boy jumped right in front of the computer screen at one point. I had to scrap that one, because I couldn't stop laughing.

Julie, loved seeing you and hearing your voice! Great job. I need to figure out how to do this, too! :)
Great tips! And that last one really is so important. Sometimes it is hard for me to hear His voice when I have been too busy filling my ears/my eyes/my heart with everyone else's voice! So great reminder to make room to hear from Him and to think on Him.
K :)
LOVE IT, Julie! Good tips, especially the ears to hear and turning off the stuff. Great job on the vlog but I'd love to see the cat!
Morn'n Julie: Terrific 'tips' Great putting a(your)voice with the face in your video and hearing your words aloud. I look fwd to your E's. Your words(thru Him) are soothing, refreshing and it does strengthen my soul, God Bless and keep you.
Thank you for sharing sweet sister. Everything we hear from God is light and truth, I love that. His thoughts and ways are so far above mine. He never changes. God is so good! ~ Blessings, Amy
Yahoo, a video from Julie. Loved it. SO glad we met at She Speaks. I love your heart.
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