Welcome to those who are visiting
from my P31 devotional, An Imprisoned Heart! The post below gives you all
the details you’ll need for the “Prayers for a Woman’s Soul” online study. To
read the very first “Prayers for a Woman’s Soul” assignment and to get started,
please CLICK HERE.
An invitation from my heart to yours!
- Multitasking, overwhelmed women
- Women who pray for others yet put their own prayer needs on the back burner
- Women with real issues, who long to pray relevant, powerful prayers
- Women who yearn to feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and renewed
What: The "Prayer’s for a Woman’s Soul" Online Book Study!
When: Starts Monday, September 9th
How it Works: Every Monday (for 8 weeks) you will receive an email from me with that week’s verse, along with your reading and prayer plan. This is a relaxing prayer journey with a mid-week follow-up, so we will be praying about one specific topic for the entire week. I will post a follow-up every Thursday just to check in and see how you are doing, and we can interact and share our hearts and what we’ve prayed about (via the comments section).
How to Sign Up: All you have to do is subscribe to my blog at the little RED BOX toward the top on the right sidebar (if you are reading this in an email please CLICK HERE to visit my blog and sign up at the RED BOX on the right) and you will receive each week’s instructions and encouragement right in your email inbox. Your FIRST POST will arrive on Monday, September 9th!
Flexibility: Because we’re meeting through my blog, you can participate at your convenience—any time of day, any day of the week. And this is your study, so you can participate as much or as little as you'd like.
What You’ll Need:
I didn’t start praying for myself because I was holy or wise. I started because I was desperate.
My marriage often felt like an emotional torture chamber. Negative and critical thoughts consistently bombarded my mind. And my emotions felt as shattered as a water goblet dropped on a cement driveway.
The hardest part was I felt stuck. It seemed like nothing was ever going to change, and I felt myself longing to give up on the inside. And that is when I sensed God nudging me to start praying for myself—regularly. Daily. I sensed that if I didn’t heed that holy nudge, I wasn’t going to make it.
So I began to pray for myself.
The truth is there are a lot of women facing incredibly hard circumstances right now. There are women enduring miserable marriages, women whose hearts still reverberate with pain from the past, and women who are in stressful situations that make them want to give up. Maybe you’re one of them.
Or maybe you simply have a sagging plate and a really long prayer list. Perhaps life is good for you, but both your to-do list and your prayer list are as long as your arm, and you’ve unintentionally neglected to pray for yourself.
This is an invitation to begin a soul-transforming journey—for you! Pamper yourself by shifting your spiritual needs from the back burner to the front burner. We will begin this soul-transforming journey together as we meet each week right here at my blog. I can hardly wait to read your comments and hear your thoughts!
This study will take place right here on my blog on Mondays and Thursdays. For those who would like more (optional) interaction, join me on the new Prayers for a Woman's Soul FACEBOOK community page, where we can connect daily. I will posting questions and reading your thoughts and comments. This Facebook page is just an optional component for those who would enjoy more interaction, and is not required. :-)
I would love for you
to join me
…as we begin
the holy habit of praying—for ourselves! I'm looking forward to spending special time with you each week and
seeing what God is going to do in our prayer lives. I will be praying for each
of you!
P.S. Feel free to save my online study photo (above) and share it with your friends. We can encourage and pray for each other during the next 8 weeks!
THE WINNER of last week's give-away - "Stressed-Less Living", by Tracie Miles is Teresa Richardson! Congratulations, Teresa! Please email me your mailing address by August 20th and you will receive a signed copy of her book!
If you are
reading this via email, please CLICK HERE to share your thoughts by leaving a
P.S. Feel free to save my online study photo (above) and share it with your friends. We can encourage and pray for each other during the next 8 weeks!
THE WINNER of last week's give-away - "Stressed-Less Living", by Tracie Miles is Teresa Richardson! Congratulations, Teresa! Please email me your mailing address by August 20th and you will receive a signed copy of her book!

Oh this is going to be awesome!!!!! Can't wait for it to start :)
I am really looking forward to this.. roll on September..
Unfortunately your word verification isn't operating correctly as it didn't verify my 'word' but kept bringing up new words!
PS Word verification worked for the comment! I am having a 'senior moment!!'
So excited to participate in the online study with you and others who will be joining. Looking forward to learning to pray for myself and anticipating the spiritual growth that will result from that...
Thank you so much!!
So looking forward to this study. Thank you for doing it.
I would love to join this study but unfortunately cannot afford the book at this time. Will you be doing another one in the near future?
I'm so excited about your study! I desperately need a boost in my prayer life!
Carole, I will bless you with a copy of the book. You can email me at crogers307@gmail.com or if Julie will bless you with a copy, I will pay her through PayPal. No one should miss their blessing
I received my book. Should I begin to read to a certain chapter in preparation for the class?
How very exciting! I also need fresh air breathed into my prayer life.
SO happy I found out about this study, couldn't have come at a better time:-)!! Just purchased my book, looking forward to starting!
I am having trouble signing up...got to Google feed burner and it keeps flashing from screen to no screen. I have tried several times....help!
Nice! post its really informative
Thank you
Pnapple, we will all begin reading on the first day of the study, which is September 9th, and I will let you know then which chapter. :-)
Mary, I'm sorry you're having technical issues with feed burner. Maybe try Google Chrome instead of Internet Explorer? Or Firefox, perhaps? Wish I was there and could help you!
Bless you, Julie for this beautiful and inspirational adventure. I am anxious to be a part of this journey with you and the others. I am having surgery this month and, am concerned that if I sign up, I may not be available to continue with all you lovely ladies in Christ.
I will begin but, if I cannot be here each day, please understand, thank you.
Sometimes we get to busy praying for others, that we forget to pray for ourselves. I am glad to start this study and even going to invite friends to join. Thanks.
am in nigeria and i desperately want to join in this study.
I just read today's P31 devotional and was extremely blessed by it. I just ordered your book and look forward to being part of the Bible study.
Just found this today & ordered the book, I won't receive it until the 13th (backorder) Can't wait to get started!!
Read about your study today and looking forward to getting started!
Thank you, looking forward to this study! Blessings with you.
...God does work in mysterious way's and I'm so Blessed that He does--Julie I woke up this morning with such a heavy heart and a mind flooded with concerns--I open my computer to find you and your arms wide open, God put me here so that I may learn to pray for myself--looking forward to your studies--God Bless You and may His Word be brought to us through you by His teachings--Please pray for me and my family--Suzy
I just found this today as well. I ordered a book today for me and my sister. For some reason, even though I know that God answers all kinds of prayer, I always have felt like praying for myself was selfish. Intellectually I know that isn't true. There is nothing in the bible that says that! But somewhere inside I've felt that way. Reading this devotion came at a perfect time, and I'm excited to try my first online study. God bless all of you!
Looking forward to your studies--God Bless You and thank you.
I am excited for this study. A study for me to find me. My time is always used up and I always pray for everyone else, our country, emergencies but never for me. I am always resentful of all the work I do for family, at work etc. I am angry at how hard I think my life is. Then I realize my life is what it is and I need to embrace what I have and quit comparing to my neighbors, to my friends, etc. My bad choices are not their fault. I make myself so busy I don't leave time for Jesus and now I have that opportunity. I am praying for a new heart, new hope, faith in the now. Not that my circumstances will change but that I will.
I too was led to this website and purchased the book for the study. Pray for me that I complete this study as I have a hard time following through.
Where has everyone purchased their books from? On amazon.com, christian books.com & Family Christian & other sites it says it's on back order & will take a minimum of 1-2 weeks to get to me. I even called the local stores & they said they would have to order & it would take a while also. I don't want to be that much behind everyone.
Hello Julie,
I believe this study is going to be a tremendous blessing for me. I started late in the study but I am having problems finding this weeks assignment.
I brought mine via Amazon.com I have a Kindle. I tried to find it at Barnes & Nobles but they were on back order and did not know when they would have it back in stock.
This study has blessed me. I was searching for something and when I saw this study, I felt a nudge of the Holy Spirit. I have shared the information with others. In our Ladies meeting I shared the lesson on praying for ourselves. What a blessing it has been to our group! How necessary it is to open ourselves to allow God to work in us!
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