I’ve got a
big announcement, but I want to start out with a confession, first.
Have you ever
yearned to do something big? Something way bigger than your abilities—something
so way out there it almost felt like
there was no use even trying? So you ended up wimping out and settling for the
easy thing…the comfortable thing…the thing you knew you could do?
Well, sweet
friends, I’m here to confess that did just that. I went for the comfortable
Last fall I submitted a book proposal (on the subject of prayer) to my
editor at Harvest House, thinking, “Oh yeah, I can do this…”
My editor’s
response? Kind words that tickled my ears. “Oh, this is a slam-dunk!” Meaning
she felt the acquisitions board would love it and that it would sail through
and get approved by the publishing board.
To my editor’s
surprise (and mine), the publishing board rejected my proposal because there
were too many similar books. But then things got interesting. The publishing
board totally surprised me, saying, “We want to see you get out of the “books
of prayer” box and write something bigger. Something more meaty." (Not that
prayer isn’t meaty, but you get the idea).
I felt so
Though I had
sensed God leading me to write a more meaningful book, I allowed lack of
experience (I’m a high-school drop-out just winging it, folks), flat-out fear, and
lack of confidence in my abilities to trump what I sensed He really desired. But
in His mercy, God moved on the hearts of my publishers and they invited me to
do a bigger book.
And that’s
when I sensed God inviting me out into the deep. The scary place where I couldn’t
touch bottom. The place where it’s sink or swim, baby.
So I took
several months to think and pray. And in January, when my husband and I
participated in our usual 3-week Daniel fast, God made it clear to me that this
was the way to go.
Here’s the
announcement part: At the end of May I signed with my publisher to write book
#2, a book of hope and promise for women. It’s tentatively titled She Believes,
based on Luke 1:45, which I believe is every
woman’s verse.
Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of the things the Lord had spoken to her. (Luke 1:45)
It should
release next summer. And I can’t wait to share it with you. But first I have to
actually write it. Which I’m doing now, when I’m not praying with my face
pressed into the carpet begging God to give me grace, to breathe on this book,
shape it, and make it meaningful and beautiful. It’s a place of sacred
desperation I’ve never known.
{If you
seriously know how to pray, I would seriously love your prayers.}
In the
meantime, know this: God loves you too much to allow you to choose the easy,
comfortable way. He invites us out into the deep. To the place of utter
dependence on Him—the place where dreams unfold but at a cost none of us can
imagine. The place of destiny.
If you are
struggling to move out into the deep, scary places, I understand. But I also
know God is faithful. He will help us and never leave us.
Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. (1 Chronicles 28:20)
A Prayer for You
Lord, Help me not to always choose the easy thing. Give me a
strong and courageous heart and meet me as I dare to step out and do the big
thing—the scary thing. Help me to keep moving forward and do the work You have
called me to do. Help me not to allow myself to be afraid or discouraged. Thank
you for Your very real presence covering every area of my life. I’m grateful
You will never fail me, because You, God, are utterly faithful. In the mighty
name of Jesus, Amen.

I always love your posts - they encourage me and challenge me to go deeper in my relationship with the Lord. Praying for you, dear one!
How exciting! I agree with you, in prayer, that God will speak through you as you write. Just as He has used you with your blog, He is faithful and will use this book to heal and encourage many hurting women. ♡
Congratulations! Praying for Holy Spirit power in the Name of Jesus!
Look forward to reading your new book! "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.". Phil 1:6
Julie, your post has reinforced a very specific thing God has been calling me to do for almost 5 years. I am fearful of moving into those deep waters of obedience but hearing God speak through this article to me once again, so clearly, is so encouraging.
(You might be interested in todays Insight for Living post from Chuck Swindoll/Focus on the Family, it completely touches on courage and again reinforced God's word to me. I suspect you might be encouraged by it as well.
I am committing to pray for you and your book. The verse from Luke has been a long standing article of promise for me on many occasions and I look forward to reading the inspired words God plans to reveal to you though it.
Maybe you could say an occasional prayer for me as i forge ahead into my own deep waters in search of courage and obedience. <3 God Bless
Your sweet comments are bringing tears to my eyes! Thank you for the encouragement!
Charlene: thank you for praying!
Linda P.: love how God has used this to reaffirm things for you! THANK YOU for the commitment to pray for me. May the Lord strengthen your heart and give you great boldness as you obey Him!
I'm so thrilled we (your publisher :) ) are on this journey with you, Julie! So sweet to hear the story behind the story. You know you have our prayers as you write!
Oh my goodness, Barb, I had no idea you read my blog. :-) I'm honored. And THANK YOU for praying!!! <3
May you stay yielded and sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit as you forge ahead in deep waters. May you walk selflessly toward where the Lord God will lead you.
Faithful Is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass~1 Thessalonians 5:24 (NASB)
Love that your are writing new material. Your first devotional is my favorite
Praying for your journey on this. Also, praying we all reach for the "BIG" thing and find encouragement along the way. What could happen if we all did that?
I love this story. I love how you have been challenged to write deeper and pulling you out of your comfort zone. He will never give you more than you can handle. Amazing! Blessings!
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